Chapter 12-Curiousity killed the cat.

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Mia's POV
It was literally 3am and my eyes were wide open. I couldn't get any sleep at all. Normally when I can't sleep,I usually roll around the bed tossing and turning until I get sleepy enough but I just can't now you know.
I used my space wisely as I continued turning in different directions.
That's it!I muttered. Jack was asleep but I just can't bear being awake with him in one room even if he is the one sleeping. I threw on my rose colour silk robe and I knew what I needed.

A view.

The view of the night sky.

My mind just had my thoughts scattered all over the place. I didn't know that if what I was doing was wrong or right.

Yep. I was beginning to doubt my own decision. I opened the door to my own room in this house and sat on the couch admiring the beautiful view in front of me. I just knew that this is what I really needed.

I couldn't help but think that I'm doing something wrong. I'm not saying that finding out is wrong ,the way that I want to do it is. It needs to be something more unsuspicious . Like something done for me to see him unexpectedly.

Jack would never bring me to the office let alone let me go with him. I mean I would most likely go by myself. Not after this. But I think I know who could help me.


She is my best friend aka my father's best friend Alec's daughter.

She is a few months older than me. She is literally the sweetest and meanest person you could ever meet. I should call her now. She is like a night owl she goes to sleep like 3am in the morning and gets up like 7am like how.

She may have more access to information than me since her dad talks and have conversations with her. She helps her dad with work very often AND she gets to go into the office EVERYDAY. I know that it's late to call her but I'm bored. I took out my cell phone and dialled her number.

"Hey Sam"
"Mia? What are YOU still doing up?"

"I can't sleep! I need to ask you for a favour"

" A favour!in the middle of my sleep?"

I laughed.

"I need you to pick me up tomorrow morning when you're leaving for the office."

"why would you want to go to the office?"

"I can explain tomorrow. But first an answer yes or no?"

"Fine I'll pick you up now go and sleep I'm tired!" she said getting fake irritated.

I laughed

"Normally you are wide awake at this time. What's up?"

"Nothing...." she went on.

"Fine whatever you say. I got to go goodnight."

"Goodnight love ya"

"Love you too " and then she hanged up.

I sighed looking out and the starry sky. I wonder what tomorrow will bring me.

~~Skip to morning~~

I got up with my back feeling numb and sore. I turned to realise I fell asleep in my room on the couch. I groaned in pain and I got up to notice the time is 6:45am. I jumped so fast that I fell flat on my behind. I rushed to my bedroom to see Jack still asleep. I quickly entered the room and went straight to my closet to pick an outfit for the day. I tiptoed easily into the room and took what was necessary. Entering the guest room I sighed heavily thanking God I did not wake him up.

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