Chapter 1-Dreams get shattered.

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Mia's POV
Sitting on the edge of the bed,I looked through some old magazines I managed to find while cleaning the basement. I was bored after finishing up all the chores that I could've done and with maids around there wasn't much to do around here. Jack was not home right now. He works in my father's business and he gets high paid but not as much as he bargains for.I sighed lightly before laying my back on the soft mattress as I felt my eyes closing,the sound of the door opening woke me up. I got up and went downstairs to meet eyes with Jack's. It was only twelve noon and he was already home. I gulped “Hey Jack you need anything?” I questioned while making my way towards him slowly. He smirked but soon it faded “No I don't need anything but thanks anyway.” He responded bluntly before making his way passed me,making sure to bump my shoulder before opening the door to our bedroom. I jumped hearing the door slammed loudly against my ear drums.I closed my eyes for a brief second before opening them to see Linda, a maid that works in the house looking at me from the kitchen counter with pity plastered onto her face before she looked away. “Its okay Linda” I said loud enough for hear to hear. She smiled softly. I made my way near the kitchen and sat on the stool placed near the countertop.“Why did you marry him when you don't love him dear?” Linda questioned me without hesitation. Her eyes soft and lips pouted. For the past two years and a half, Linda was my mother figure in this house and an amazing friend that I could've confided in. I just shrugged,not really knowing the answer to her question.

“I guess my father approved of him and I was forced to marry him since I didn't have a choice to.” I said looking away from her gaze. Jack and I have been married for the last two and a half years. We live in the same room, slept on the same bed but always have that border in between us.

I never cared for his love because I couldn't love him the way he'd want me to. All I cared for was to be free of this marriage and live my life the way I'd want. I was married at a young age and barely got to discover new things or figure out myself for who i really was. I am 20 years old and Jack is now 23 years old. He does not love me enough to have wanted to marry me, in fact he never loved me. He just wanted in on my father's business. I am the only child to my parents and my father would've wanted my husband to become the heir to his business not me.  I never wanted part in his business anyways so I never got angry at him over that. The fact that a heir to his business was more important than my happiness to him. Knowing that he would never love me was the most sad part of this whole marriage and I wish it was all a dream, a lie, a nightmare that so I would wake up once again and live in reality again, to be free again and to know how love feels like. Snapping me out of my daydream, Linda lightly shook my shoulder “Hey,you okay?” she asked. I blinked twice before answering “uh....yea I'm fine” I responded with a sigh, shaking my head off from my previous thoughts. I told her a quick farewell before making my way to my bedroom that I had to share. Opening the door, intentionally meaning to disturb Jack but he was not present in the room. My eyebrows furrowed. My legs led me more inside the room as my eyes wondered in different directions. The sudden noise of the door being closed was heard. My head snapped towards the door. The door was closed shut but no one was there.My forehead had lines on it and my head was starting to ache. I was getting nauseous, scared and worst of all my anxiety was kicking in. Feeling someone behind me due to their heavy breathing I knew it was Jack.

Turning around, hands shaking, wobbling knees and sweat beads leaked through my silky shirt. I gulped before looking up at him. He always had this intimidating look that suited him perfectly. In fact this was his best look. His eyes darken at every step he took towards me and I took a step back until I reach the edge of the bed. His eyes were almost black and his hair damp. My lips trembled and my hands shake. Never before have I ever felt this feeling of belonging before. Nor have I felt such lust and control, the dominion that he held towards me was cheap and illegal in my eyes. The law would listen and shake their heads because legally I'm his wife but emotionally I am nothing but a stranger to him. My head was spinning and my body was getting weak. Questions ran through my mind that I would never get the answers to. The years I have spent with him were nothing but spending your life with the devil himself. Jack was always secluded with his feelings and always kept his whereabouts to himself. He was hesitant to tell me anything and everything about him was off almost every day.

His hands made their way up to my jeans, tugging on to them. His lips had a mind of their own before they sucked on my collarbone, a feeling of wanting the mark held on my body. I never wanted this but I had no say in this. My hair was all over my face and my shirt was forcefully ripped off of me and I was left naked to his hungry eyes. The eyes that had a source of yearning in them, a type of want, a feeling of need and a desire for more. I shuddered at his intention towards me as if I was just a toy for him, to toy with my emotions. But that's it.

That's is exactly what I was to him. A toy to play with whenever he wanted to. To toy with my emotions as if I was something without a heart.

His lips left marks on my stomach as he made his way passed my collarbone to my neck as his teeth grasp onto my smooth skin. His hands were holding onto my hands so that I cannot push him off of me. Tears  were streaming down my face and my legs felt of no use. Pain started inflicting throughout my whole body. He stared at me with those eyes that were only screaming out the words lust and pure desire for my body. I hated it so much but there was nothing I could have done but give him what he wanted, he was legally my husband. My hands made their ways to his hair as I pulled on it. A groan escaped my lips which made him smirk before attaching his lips with mines as they move in a pattern. I hated that he was taking control of me. It was not like me to give a tantrum but this was something I completely disagreed with and I never wanted my first to be with a man I knew I didn't love. This feeling did not appeal to me in any physical way because emotionally I had no intention of what was happening. His body fell on the other side of the bed as he grunted loudly. I was basically naked except for my underwear and bra. I felt disgusted and that was the only word that could describe how I am feeling right now. This is my marriage to me. A big compromise.

My life was ruined since the day he slipped that diamond band on my finger and said the words ‘i do’ I wish I could take it all back. The only thing my husband wanted from me was my body and I had no choice but to let him have his way. His anger often gets the better of him and I hate when he's angry. Mostly because of him I have to deal with it. You would say he raped me or whatever but he raped me of my life and didn't care. I felt used over the past years that I've spent with him that he has taken advantage of my body because I am his wife and I can't say anything. Today he has proved that it's my body he always wanted. My life is a disappointment. That is my marriage and that is my life now.

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