Chapter 16-Surprise!What?

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Mia's POV
In a matter of an hour's time I pulled up into the garage and parked the car. I looked at my watch to see it's past 6pm. Good I'm on time for dinner.

I went in the house through the back door from the garage and called out to Linda.


"In the kitchen"

I rushed to the kitchen.

"Hey I hope I'm not too late-"

Before I could continue my sentence I was cut off.

Jack was in the kitchen. His left
elbow leaned up against the counter top,his body position in Linda's height and he was smiling and laughing.

"Mia sweetie you're back!"

Of course I'm back. I just yelled at your name and you responded and you didn't know I am back?

"Yes what's going on? I'm not late aren't I?"

"No in fact you're just on time!"

Linda seemed too happy. Something's wrong like really wrong!

"In time for what?"

Instead of answering me, she poured me a glass of champagne and offered it to me. I took it the cup.

"What's this for?"


"Celebration for what?"

Jack looked at me with an eyebrow raised looking at me.

"The company got the task that is one of the most expensive assignment in years"

"Oh that's good"

"Just good?"

"Its great I meant great to hear so but-"

"But what dear?"

I thought about the consequences of what I was going to say.

"Nevermind I'm going to go upstairs and freshen up for dinner?"

"Okay dear be back quickly"Linda said and Jack glanced me for a split second until he engaged himself in a conversation with Linda again.

Celebrating? New assignment? Sammy didn't say anything about any upcoming meetings or anything. This doesn't make sense.

Jack's POV
Mia left the kitchen looking confused. I don't think she believes me about that 'new task' and she is not wrong not believe me because I won't believe anything that has just came out my mouth a few seconds ago either. I gave her a quick glance before she left.

"Jack what was that?"

"What was what?"

"You lied to Mia. How is she going to react when she realizes you were lying!"

I just shrugged my shoulder. Me and Mia were on an agreement of not arguing with each other. We were trying to be 'friends' Mia's words not mine.

"I already think she knows"


"Her face was so confused Linda,you should have seen it"

"She doubts it"

I nodded.

"Why didn't you tell her the truth?"

My smile simmered down.

"I can't tell her linda."

"Why dear?Are you scared?"

"I am not scared. I-"

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