Short Stories

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Griffin x Tayler

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"What do you think it will be like."

"I don't know, wanna find out?" Tayler smiles, grabbing onto Griffin's hand and pulling him closer to his side.

"Ya, I think it would be fun." Griffin sighs, resting his head on top of Tayler's shoulder.

"Ok." Tayler says, kissing Griffin's forehead before closing his eyes.

Both boys gone before anyone can stop them, the white light taking over their vision and sending them to a place where no one can bother them.

Kio x Quinton

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"What are you?!" Quinton squeaks, stepping away from the door.

"What are you!" Kio points back, going to hide behind a tree.

"What do you mean 'what are you', I'm a human!" Quinton says, looking back at the door in the tree from where the thing came from.

"Well I'm an elf." Kio huffs, crossing his arms over his chest.

"But elf's aren't real."

"Well you're looking at one, so you might need to rethink that."

Griffin x Jaden

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The fog rolled in in a matter of minutes, making Jaden loss track of where he was going. The howling of wind and the cold breeze only making Jaden shiver with fear and hypothermia.

Loud foot steps are heard throughout the woods and Jaden jumps, running in one direction before tripping over a log. The foot steps getting closer and closer to the now hurt boy.

A hand is in front of Jaden's face when he looks up, feeling a wave of nausea crash over him when he thinks this is his doom.

"Are you gonna let me help you or are you just gonna stare at me." The man speaks quickly, shaking his hand for Jaden to take.

"But I don't know you!"

"Shh be quiet, they'll hear you. But I'm Griffin."


"That's very cool, but we don't have much time so let's go."

Jaden nods and reaches up to take Griffin's hand, before he's being pulled up. Starting to run in another direction, away from the creatures.

Josh x Anthony

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Anthony wanted to shout at the top of his lungs but nothing could come out, the curse that was set upon him forbid him from ever speaking, let alone screaming.

The witch was a cruel and wicked being, who only wanted to seek havoc on people that inhabit this world. And Anthony was one of the unlucky people to cross paths with it.

Josh, Anthony's friend sat up in a tree. Swinging his legs carelessly, dreaming of floating away from this stupid world. He looks down to see Anthony staring up at him and waves happily, climbing down from the tree and into Anthony's arms.

"Hi." Josh smiles, backing away from the brunette.

Anthony gives a nod and smiles, interlocking their hands together and going to sit under the tree. The nice breeze blowing around them as they sit under the shade.

"I love you." Josh whispers, staring lovely at the cursed boy.

Anthony smiles and mouths 'I love you' back.

" Elephant shoes?!" Josh says, having a look of confusion wash over you.

Anthony slaps his own face in a sign of defeat and huffs, drawing in the dirt 'I love you'.


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(512 words)

What were these? I have no idea.

Where are you guys from? I'm from Canada. I'm bored as you can tell.

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