Video (Josh x Jaden)

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Jaden's pov...

When I saw the video I knew I had to do it with Josh, so I've come up with a plan.

All the boys are out doing something except Josh and I, Knocking on Josh's door I hear a "come in!" Twisting the door knob I see Josh looking at his computer playing a game.

"Hey, what's up?" Josh questions not looking away from his game.

"Nothing much, just bored." I say, it was partially true I was bored but I came here for a reason. I fall back on his bed, spreading my arms and legs looking like a starfish.

Josh just shrugs focusing all his attention on his game again, I laid there for a bit just enjoying being near him. I have to shoot the video soon though before the boys get back, so I take out my phone opening Tik Tok.

I pick out a sound, laying the phone on an object to keep it up right, pointing the phone so you see the side of josh in his chair.

I take a deep breath in to calm my nerves before hitting play. I walk up to Josh from behind to not block the camera, I lift up Josh's arms sliding onto his lap.

He looks taken aback at first, starring at me, I just wrap my legs as much as I can around his waist and arms around his neck. Resting my head on his shoulder he lets out a breath, resting his head on my shoulder to see his computer screen again.

I forget about the video just taking in the warmth his body provided, closing my eyes I let out a yawn before falling asleep.


I feel someone move underneath me and loud voices speaking.

"You're gonna wake him up, now get out!" Josh whisper yells, hearing giggles and another voice speak up.

"But you guys are so cute! I need more pictures." I can identify that as Kio squealing, I hear  shuffling and a yelp from Kio.

"Griffin put me down."

"No. Sorry Josh I won't let the other boys in here." Griffin says, probably walking out of the room with a complaining Kio.

"Thank you." Josh says holding me tighter around my waist.

"I know you're awake." Josh whispers in my ear making me shiver, "Sorry, I couldn't get them out."

I lift my head off his shoulder looking into his eyes, "It's okay, how long have we been here?" I question feeling my legs are asleep.

"For a couple hours, I didn't want to wake you so I've just been sitting playing my game." Josh states.

I look behind me to see the game paused and the remote on the desk, I yawn moving around on his lap to get comfortable.

"Don't you wanna get up and get something to eat?" Josh says, once I put my head back on his shoulder.

"But you're so comfy." I whine making him chuckle.

"Fine, I guess I just have to pick you up." Josh says before I am being lifted up, I scream quietly wrapping my legs around his waist fully now. He supports me with his hands on my thighs starting to walk to his door.

Coming to the end of the stairs, Josh walks toward the kitchen. Trying to put me down on the counter I keep my arms wrapped around his neck not letting go.

"Please let me go, I'll pick you back up in a sec," Josh states unwrapping my arms from his neck, "I'll get us some food, what do you want?"

My eyes light up at the mention of food, "Chipotle!"

"Of course." Josh rolls his eye but still has a small smile on his face.

After he orders the food he comes and picks me up off the counter, walking to the living room and sitting down. Bryce comes into the room looking at us quickly then starting to walk away, before stopping in his tracks and whipping around to face us.

"What are you guys doing?" Bryce asks, a smirk starting to form on his face. I feel my cheeks get bright red and start getting off of Josh's lap. Before I am fully off Josh holds on to my waist not letting me move.

"We're just waiting for the food that we ordered." Josh shrugs looking at Bryce.

How is he so calm? I would be stuttering so much and be so embarrassed, wait what am I talking about I am in this situation, I am freaking out!

"Okay well I'll let you go this time because it looks like Jaden is about to have a heart attack." Bryce laughs walking off to his room.

Josh looks at my flustered face smiling softly before kissing my forehead. Both our eyes go wide at the action, Josh's face soon the same colour as mine.

"Um, I, I um," Josh starts to say before I interrupt him with a small peck on his lips. He stares at me with wide eyes making me regret the action.

Maybe I interpreted it differently, maybe he just kissed my forehead to help me calm down! The boys have always been touchy with each other, even small kisses on the forehead.

I don't realise it but my cheeks are stained with tears, I shove Josh's arms off me before running to my room. I hear yelling and shuffling behind me, but I slam the door shut running to the corner of my room, breaking down.

I hear a light knock on my door over my sobs, the door opens quickly and I am being pulled into a warm hug.

"Hey, it's okay, you're alright I am here." Josh whispers in my ear holding me tight to his chest.

I pull my head out from his now wet chest and look at his face,

"I, I am sor-ry." I whisper through my hiccups from all the crying.


"Because I kissed you and you don't like me like that, and now our friendships gonna be weird." I say all in one breath, I feel Josh pull me on to his lap again before lifting my chin.

"How do you know."

"H-how do I know w-what?"

"How do you know that I don't like you."

"B-because," I start thinking of my answer, " I don't know." I say dropping my head to look at my hands.


Josh lifts my head again before his lips smash onto mine in a passionate kiss, we break apart out of breath looking at each other, before a goofy smile is plastered on my face.

"I think our food is here." Josh says making me giggle. He stands up looking down at me, I make grabby hands towards him. he chuckles picking me up in the same position we were when we first left his room, not before stealing one more kiss.

(1155 words)

Tik Tok {bxb} One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now