Hide & Seek (Bryce x Quinton)

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Quinton's pov...

Sitting down in a closet, I hear footsteps bounding down the stairs coming towards the living room.

"Babyyy, where are yoouuu?" Bryce sings, I giggle quietly, covering my mouth with my hand to muffle my laughter. "I know you're clossseee."

I hear Bryce opening doors and cabinets, like I could fit in a kitchen cabinet, who does he think I am. Everything becomes quiet and I hold my breath knowing he's very close, a bang is heard and yelling.

"You bitch, I'm gonna kill you!" Bryce yells angrily and a laugh by Jaden follows after.

"The look of horror on your face!" Jaden laughs out and more footsteps can be heard coming from upstairs.

"What happened?" Josh's voice is heard and Bryce yells back.

"This piece of shit scared me!" Bryce shouts, I place my head on the wall in the closet and close my eyes, I really wanna win but I know this argument will be long and I'm tired. They talk for a good ten minutes and I eventually fall asleep in the small hall closet.

The front door closes shut with a thud and I jerk my head up from the loud noise, I look around confused to where I was, but soon remember. I'm playing hide & seek with the boys and Bryce is the seeker, but the front door closed and I can't hear anyone. Did they really forget about me?

I roll my eyes at the thought and stand up in the cramped closet and twist the knob, I push the door out and in, but it's budged and I can't get out! I feel tears come to my eyes and I violently shake the door knob, I'm gonna be stuck in here until they come back. My breathing shallows and I slide down the wall, tears streaming down my cheeks from my anxiety, I don't wanna be locked in a closet! I'm surprised that I lasted this long in the small closet anyway.


My voice is dead from sobbing and my legs are cramping every ten minutes, I forgot my phone on the kitchen table thinking I wouldn't be in here long, I'm pretty sure it's been two hours. My cheeks are stained with tears and my hair is all dishevelled from tugging on it so much, my breathing has gone back to normal, but I'm still shaking.

I hear the front door open and talking, I use all of my strength left and kick the door as hard as I can over and over again.

"Can you hear that?" Jaden asks once I've used all my power and stopped kicking the door, more tears slip out of my eyes and I hear footsteps come this way.

"Where's Quinton!?" Bryce yells, making my tears thicker, I kick the door again and I see shadows underneath the door stop in front of it. The door knob twists and shakes, but it doesn't budge. "Quinton!"

Some shadows disappear and footsteps are heard going upstairs.

"You guys look upstairs with Jaden, and Griffin and I will look down here." Bryce says before more shadows disappear, I kick the door lightly and a sob is heard in the small closet. "Quinton! Are you in here?!" Bryce yells, I see the door knob shake violently and a bang before Bryce tumbles into the closet.

"Quinton." Bryce's eyes soften, sitting on the floor and pulling me into his lap, letting me cry into his shirt. Footsteps bound down the stairs, coming towards us. Bryce's arm moves around, probably shooing the boys away, and wraps back around my waist. "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry."

I lift my head from his shoulder seeing tears in his own eyes, he wipes my tears away and brings me into a bone crushing hug.

"Are you okay? How long were you in there for? I'm so so so sorry." Bryce says, putting his hands on my shoulders and looks at my body and face, checking if I was okay. I just nod and sink back into his arms, stretching my cramped legs out on the floor, I sigh when my legs are fully extended and wipe my nose.

"I'm fine. I've been in there since we started playing hide & seek. I just wanna cuddle right now, but you're in deep shit for leaving me." I say, burying my head in Bryce's neck and stretching my arms around his waist.

"I know." Bryce breaths out, squeezing my waist and pulling me closer.

(758 words)

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