Rockstar (Griffin x Jaden)

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Griffin's pov...

Heading backstage, I feel my hands start to sweat and my body shake with nerves, I'm gonna meet my favourite singer! Jaden Hossler, I've liked his music the first time I heard it and he's one of the hottest humans on the planet.

I walk up to the VIP section and show the security guard my badge, I was one of the lucky people to get back stage tickets to Jaden's concert and I personally get to meet him too! Bryce shoves my shoulder making me turn my head to look at him with a confused face.


"He said we can go in, You're just standing there like a deer stuck in headlights." Bryce groans, moving around me and walking in. I roll my eyes, shyly thanking the security guard and running after Bryce.

"I'm sorry, I'm just really nervous and I don't wanna make a complete fool of myself." I say, catching up to Bryce and walking beside him. He smiles pulling me into a side hug, walking closer and closer to the room Jaden's in.

"Everything will be fine! He'll love you and you're not gonna make a complete fool of yourself, trust me." Bryce reassures, squeezing my shoulder before letting go and stopping in front of the door. He gestures with his hand for me to open it, I move my shaking hand towards the door and grab the knob, looking back at Bryce.

"Do you think we should knock first?" I ask making Bryce roll his eyes with a groan and slap my hand away. Before Bryce can move any closer the door swings open with an angry looking Jaden on the other side.

"Where the hell are these peo," Jaden stops, dropping the phone from his ear and hitting 'end' to the call. Jaden looks between us before his eyes land on mine, his eyes have softened and he has a small smile on his face. "Hi."

"H-hi." I stutter back, lifting my shaky hand to wave at him. His smile keeps me calm and I don't feel like throwing up anymore, which is very good.

"Hi." Bryce mumbles, giving him a small smile and walking through the door, that he did not get invited into, might I add you. Jaden looks a little bit shocked before looking back at me.

"Sorry about Bryce, h-he's not always like that." I say, looking down at my feet.

"It's fine, come in, I'm Jaden of course. Just wondering is he your boyfriend?" Jaden whispers the last part, making my cheeks heat up. I nod 'no' and step in the room, to see leather couches and a flat screen TV, tables with chips and candy scattered on them, it was like a dream.

"Nice room." I complimented sitting down on one of the couches beside Bryce.

"Thanks, nothing special, you guys can have whatever you want on the tables. So what are your guys names?" Jaden questions sitting down on the other couch and looking at me.

"Well I'm Griffin and you already know what Bryce's name is." I smile, slapping Bryce's arm when he quietly scoffs. "He's my plus one, so he doesn't really wanna be here." I say looking over at Bryce with a glare, he just smiles back innocently.

"You're fine, you excited for the show?" Jaden asks, referring to his concert that begins in an hour.

"Yes! This is my first concert ever so I'm really excited." I blush, looking down at my hands.

We talked the whole time about anything and everything, in the hour I was there, I moved to sit beside Jaden, leaving Bryce to watch TV alone. Jaden's really interesting and he's very good at listening to what you have to say. We made our way to the door, Jaden having to go get ready for the concert. I looked back at Jaden from the door, raising my hand to wave bye, him doing the same with a wink.

I feel my cheeks flush red and I open the door, before speed walking out of there with Bryce following after. My smile grows and I jump in the air with a squeal.

"Oh my god! I can't believe I met him, Bryce can you believe it!"

"Ya, I was with you." Bryce chuckles, walking past the security guard and making our way backstage. We were in Jaden's lounge area, so we had to walk around the place to get backstage.

"Shut up! This is serious, he's so nice and sweet." I sigh, showing another security guard my badge, being let through with a smile. Bryce just hums, starting to whistle until we get to our destination.

We make it to the stage and I walk over to the side entrance where Jaden will enter, my mouth falls open seeing the mass of screaming people, all packed into the small arena.

"Crazy, isn't it?" Someone says, resting his hand on my shoulder. I jump, tripping over my feet and making me fall to the ground, but the mysteries person catches me before I face plant. "Sorry."

I look up to see Jaden with a sheepish smile on his face, his hands traveling down to my waist once I'm back on my feet.

"I-it's okay, you just scared m-me." I stutter out, my cheeks tinted pink from our position and the close proximity of our body's. Jaden smiles before looking at the stage with a twinkle in his eyes.

"I guess I better go, I hope you enjoy the show!" Jaden shouts over the blasting music and the crowd, the lights have dimmed and the bass shakes the building with vibrations.

"Good luck!" I shout back, slowly backing out of his hold and over to Bryce.

"Thanks, but it's right in front of me!" Jaden winks, picking up a microphone and running onto stage. I have a feeling I'll see him for days to come, I'm one of the luckiest people in the world!

(1002 words)

I don't really know what this is, oops. Lol. I might take a little break from my schedule to catch up on things, I'm having some writers block and I'm not feeling that motivated to write. I hope that's okay!

Thank you for the votes and the 22k reads! It means a lot and I'm so grateful for all the love❤️ Thanks for reading!

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