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Its April.
The wedding we planned is closer than i can bear. However, today is the promotion ceremony.
Haise Sasaki, Itou Kuramoto, Nakarai Keijin, Hayashimura Naoto, and finally, I, were appointed as First Class investigators. Somehow im climbing the ranks, i can barely keep up.
Everyone who participated in the Auction Case, rose one rank. However, a unique two rank promotion was given to Mutsuki, for the first time in history.
Juuzou, and Washuu Mitsuri, became Special Class investigators. A 22 year old Special Class investigator hasn't been seen since Arima, this is seen as a rare acheivement. I could not be prouder of Juuzou, but i'm sure he is apathetic towards the situation.

Afterwards, there is a banquet to celebrate a new year with the CCG, and of course, our promotions.

"Makiko- MAKIKO!" I hear from across the banquet hall. I turn and find Saiko rushing towards me, food in hand. She nearly tackles me to the ground, clutching onto my small frame.
"I'm so angry you're moving out!! I'm gonna be the only girl in the whole house!!" She whines, shoving was seems to be a small piece of meat into her mouth.
"I'm getting married??" I manage to say, putting my hands on her shoulders and pushing her back a bit.
"It's not like i'm leaving the squad!" I continue. She pulls away, an annoyed look on her face.
"Yeah but you're moving out." She whines, again.
Suddenly Haise and Mutsuki approach me, Saiko instead goes off to harrass the food table.
"Congratulation First Class Shiranui Makiko!" Haise teases, ruffling my hair. I had it done up in a braid for this formal event, i'm sure he's tossed it up.
"No, congratulations to you Associate Special Class Haise Sasaki!" I say back, a grin on my face. He returns a smile and glances expectantly at Mutsuki.
"Senpai.. Er... Makiko-san... I'm really happy for you.." He says shyly,  twiddling his hands.
I smile and wrap my arms around him tightly.
"Thank you..." I say, burying my face in his chest. I feel him return my embrace before pulling away slowly. I turn and do the same to Haise, he hugs back even tighter.
"I'll see you at your wedding..." Haise says. He leans down close to my ear.
"I'm aware you're looking into retiring as an Investigator.. I'd be careful if i were you.." He mumbles.
I hear someone clear their throat right behind me, i pull away and find Juuzou staring, a jealous stare in his eyes.
"Ah! Special Class Suzuya Juuzou... Fancy meeting you here." I joke, grabbing his hand. His face relaxes, squeezing my hand. His hair has grown past his shoulders, i reach up and brush it off his suit.
"Have i told you, you look rather dashing in your suit?" I tease, leaning onto him. He let's out a laugh.
"You haven't.. Thank you~" he responds. I turn back to Haise, only to find both he and Mutsuki have vacated.
"Ah.. That's unfotunate.. We scared them away." I tell Juuzou, looking up at him.
"It seems you've forgotten something, Makiko" Juuzou tells me, leading me towards the center of the banquet hall.
"What? Where are you taking me??" I question him, he stops at a table, a small cake resting at the center.
Suddenly it occurs to me,

"Your birthday." I hear Juuzou say, my eyes fixated on the small white cake, with the number '21' piped in red onto it.

My 21st birthday..how could I have forgotten?

The quinx squad stand near the table. I look around and find the entire hall's attention on me.
"I-i.. I don't deserve all this??" I say, waving my hands in protest. Haise reaches forward and lights a red candle that's been stuck into the cake.
"Of course you do! You've become and adult, and why wouldn't we celebrate that?" Haise says, motioning towards the cake. Juuzou pushes me forward, i stand at the table's edge nervously.
The entire banquet hall begins to sing 'Happy Birthday' to me, a chorus of voices making the room light up with life.
I finally accept it, a smile appearing on my face as Juuzou sways us both to the song.
At the end of the song, i blow out my candle. A chorus of 'congratulations' and cheering erupts from the crowd along with applause. The quinx squad rushes over and hugs me all at once, echoing the congratulations into my ears. I hug them all back, only now realizing i'm crying.


"You sure you don't want to get it cut before the wedding?" I question Juuzou as he puts his hair into a bun, He nods.
I take a sip from my glass, my champagne glass. Now that i'm 21, i can drink alcohol, and of course i'm going to take advantage of it.
This is my 3rd glass.
"Makiko, can you handle your alcohol?" Juuzou asks me, he's suddenly holding my drink in his hand.
I make a noise of surprise, scrunching my noise in annoyance.
"Yeah!? Of course i can?" I say, a bit slurred.
Fuck.. No i can't.
A smirk appears on his face, he finds this amusing i suppose. He downs my drink, sitting the glass on a nearby table. I gasp in horror.
"You're cut off!" He says, crossing his index fingers into in X in front of him.
"That's probably for the best..." I mumble, leaning against the table. Juuzou grabs me by the shoulders, holding me upright.
To my horror, Arima makes an appearance, walking right towards us. I lean against Juuzou, shutting my eyes, if i can't see him he can't see me.
Arima strikes up a conversation with Juuzou, i can't seem to follow along, so i open my eyes. Juuzou holds me agaisnt him, his arm wrapped securely around my waist.
"Congratulations Suzuya, people are beginning to think you'll replace me." Arima jokes, a champagne glass in hand.
"Only if you die." Juuzou jokes back. They share a laugh.
Arima shifts his focus to me, my face turns hot and i look away.
"Miss Shiranui, Happy Birthday and Congratulations." He says, leaning down a bit to look at me. I meet his gaze, a soft smile on his lips.
"T-thank you.." I reply shyly. Arima straightens up, patting my head.
"You kids are getting married?" He asks Juuzou, pulling away.
"Two days... I assume you recieved your invitation?" Juuzou replies, i feel him playing with the buckle on my belt.
"Of course, i watched you two grow up, i wouldn't dare to miss it." Arima tells Juuzou before departing.
Juuzou sighs softly, turning his head to look at me.
"Ready to go home? You can barely stand." He says, brushing a stray hair out of my face. I hadn't realized since i was leaning onto Juuzou, there's no strength in my legs.
I nod, rubbing my eyes. He guides me out of the banquet hall.
I can barely tell whats going on, my mind is kinda foggy.
Suddenly im in the back seat of his car.
"That was fast.." I mumble, laying down on the seats.
"It's been 10 minutes!" Juuzou laughs, he's in the drivers seat.
"I want to be up there too.." I whine, rolling onto my side. Juuzou starts up the car. My insides feel nice and warm, like they're wrapped in a towel fresh from the dryer.
"I'll drive nice for you tonight... Do you want to go to the Chateau or my place?" Juuzou questions, i feel the car turning.
I groan, kicking off my heels.
"I'm so unbelievably horny." I announce, trying to take off my stockings.
"And you'll just have to go to sleep that way!" Juuzou tells me. I finally manage to free my legs from their black nylon prison, i throw the stockings to the floor.
"But i want to do it!" I whine, unbuttoning my suit jacket and discarding it to the floor. Juuzou doesn't respond, prompting me to sit up and lean against the back of his seat.
"Am i not sexy?" I question sadly, staring at his face. His cheeks are tinged red.
"You are.. You're just drunk.. You aren't acting yourself." He replies, keeping his eyes on the road.
"I'm not drunk! I'm tipsy.. There's a difference~" i say, laying back down in the back seat.
"No.. You're shitfaced." He teases, i feel the car turn and stop.

Time seems to be moving too fast for me, because the next thing i know Juuzou is pulling me out of the car.
"Why are you half naked?" He questions. I look down at myself, finding my entire suit is missing, im only wearing a slip.
"I think i took it off.." I slur, looking up at him. He pulls me to the edge of the seat, leaning down and lifting me into his arms. I slump against him, a small giggle escaping my lips.
I close my eyes, my mind feels like it's closed down for the night, all it's workers have gone home to their families.
I find myself being laid down onto cool sheets. I turn and press my face into the pillow.
Smells like Juuzou..
I feel the bed shift as Juuzou gets into it, pulling me close to him.
"Goodnight my sweet heart." He whispers. I giggle a bit, suddenly being reminded of the time he compared me to a cake roll.
"Night night... " i mumble tiredly.

THIS BOOK ALL ABOUT SUZUYA JUUZOU (and me..)Where stories live. Discover now