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The mission seems to be going fine, no one has left the building. Me and my fellow special investigators surround the building, I'm placed in front, to the left of the entrance.  Suddenly, the front double doors burst open, a stout man stumbling out. His gear is tattered, and behind him i watch as a black tendrils snatch him back into the building. His screams ring out, I close my eyes and cringe. Soon enough ghouls begin pouring out of the small opening, investigators chasking after them.

"READY YOUR ARMS!" a voice booms behind us. My hands tremble as I release my quinque, the rod bursting from the small frame. I grip it between my hands, readying myself.
I take in my surroundings and notice every one is fighting at least one ghoul. I begin to scan for juuzou.
Before i know it, these monsters are upon us. I step back in shock as one with black hair comes running at me, her Kagune pointed at me. She shoots it towards me and i messily parry it to my left, stepping aside. My training takes over my nervous body, i clench my teeth. I plant my foot before me and thrust the spear into her abdomen, i force my entire body weight forward to knock her down. She falls to the ground and i rip the spear from her body. She begins to cough up blood, her eyes trained on my face. A tinge of pity pulls at my heart, and I hesitate. I'm broken away from my thoughts by a hard shove,
"Finish it off!!" Someone yells. This snaps me back to reality and I bring the spear down into her face, blood splattering onto mine. I pant heavily and slowly pull out my spear, stepping back. The ghouls that managed to make it through the door all ended up slaughtered. Their bodies lay in bloody puddles, some mutilated beyond recognition.

My first encounter with a ghoul shook the fear from my body, I watch as another wave comes through the door. This time, I notice them moving faster than before. I have no time to react.
  A ghoul rams me off balance. "FUCK!!" i yell out as i land on the floor. i whip my head up to see what ghoul rammed me. when i see its kagune come hurdling towards my face.

well this is the end..

i brace myself for the impact of my skull shattering when... it doesnt come.

i look up and the the ghoul, ready to tear it apart. when it lays there lifeless and already torn to shreds. i look around and see juuzou, standing there smiling.

"Thought you could handle yourself??" he says sweetly. despite the chaos around us, the blood, the murder, my mind goes blank. He grabs my arm and forces me to my feet.

"Remember your training girlie! I won't always be here!" He yells at me. Suddenly he grabs me by the chestplate, yanking me to the left as a projectile whizzes past my face.
"PAY ATTENTION!" He screams at me. I collect myself and wipe the blood from my face with the back of my hand.


I lumber slowly to the back of the truck, all but collapsing in it once i reach the open door. I drape my arms over my face, sighing heavily. I nearly died so many times, my life flashed in front of me too many times to count. Its miraculous I came out unscathed.
I feel someone nudge my leg with their foot. I peek and find juuzou, blood soaked.

"You're not dead are you?" He asks plainly.
"Thanks to you, i'm alive and well.... Are you injured..? " i ask him, forcing myself to a seated position.    He points to his arm. "A little scratch.. Nothing bad" he responds. From the looks of it, he hasnt been treated yet.
"Dude go see the medic atleast??" I tell him, rubbing my face.
The low rumble of recovering investigators suddenly gets broken by loud screams from the rear.

" there is an un-classified ghoul within the premises " the leader says through the ear pieces.
I look at juuzou, his quinque already out.
"Are you uninjured?" He asks me, staring sternly into my face.
I nod and release my quinque, forcing myself to my feet.
Right as im about to jump out of the truck, juuzou pushes me back.

" look. " he says simply.

i look out and half the people who rushed out, are lying on the ground. " w-what?! " i exclaim loudly.

i stare out, as most of the investigators continue fighting the ghoul. i steal a glance and see, is that-?
Its just a kid.

He's.. incredibly strong, his kangune is warping the air around him, he is cowering in fear.

" from the way it looks.. i would rate it S or even SS. " Juuzou says, his hand is lingering on my shoulder plate.

"We need to go fight. now." He says.
"W-wait im not qualified-" I start to say. He cuts me off
"Then stay here and make sure he doesn't run off. The other investigators will help you!" He runs at the ghoul. I frantically look around at our dwindling number of comrades.
I watch Juuzou carefully. He seems to really know what hes doing.. His body is well trained and agile. I analyze the ghoul's blind fighting style. For not looking, he responds too quickly.  

THIS BOOK ALL ABOUT SUZUYA JUUZOU (and me..)Where stories live. Discover now