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"What do you think?" I hear Juuzou say behind me. I turn away from the counter and see Juuzou in the dress he picked out from my old clothes. If i didn't know any better, i would think he's a girl. His upper body is a little too toned, i think he made the right choice with the puffed sleeves.
"You could pass.. Maybe get a wig?" I suggest, walking towards him. He plays with the ends of his hair.
"Maybe we could pass as sisters. We both have black hair and a somewhat similar face," he says, running his hand through my hair.
"Except your eyes are black and grey." He continues, ruffling my hair.
"I think we should do the sister thing. Maybe it'll make us more desirable." I say as i smooth out some wrinkles in the skirt. Years of sitting in a box at the bottom of my closet hasn't done it any favours.
Juuzou pulls at the stitches on his lip absent-mindedly before suddenly speaking up.
"Do you like my body modifications?" He asks me, unzipping the side zipper of the dress.
I look at him then scan his body as he takes off the dress. Stitches decorate his throat and chest, as well as his forearms.
"I don't know anything about it... But it does make you more attractive." I confess, taking the dress from him as he holds it out. He reaches over and plucks a stray undershirt laying on the couch and slips it on.
"Oh? More attractive?" He questions, raising his eyebrows at me. I nod and reach up, running my hands along the stitches adorning his throat.
"Kinda like tattoos. Very attractive." I tell him, running my hands up his arms and then draping my arms around his neck. He smiles and leans down close to my face.
"Can i make you even prettier?" He asks quietly, a sick grin appearing on his face. I stare back at him, confused.
"What do you mean?" I question him. He leans back and runs his fingers down my throat and across my collarbone.
"Can i... put stitches on you?" He asks slowly, his eyes pinned on my throat.
"I don't know if Haise will like that..." I say, leaning my head into Juuzou's hand.
"He's not your daddy, Makiko." Juuzou counters.
"You're right.. I don't have to worry about him do i?"
"You don't have to do it if you dont want to." Juuzou reassures, patting my head softly. I hesitate, i don't actually do well with pain.
"Does.. It hurt?" I ask Juuzou without realizing,
"Wait- no. Forget i asked that." I say quickly, Juuzou laughs a bit.
"I don't feel anymore.. But i would assume it hurts a little?" He says, leading me around to the couch. On the coffee table lay spools of thread and a small giraffe stuffed animal being used as a pin cushion.
I sit on the couch, leaning back against the cushion. Juuzou plops down beside me, tucking his hand under the crook of my knee and grabbing my wrist, pulling me closer to him.
"So! I am going to assume that was a yes." Juuzou says excitedly as he reaches over and picks up a spool of red thread and the giraffe pin cushion.
"I am still nervous." I say quickly, my eyes will not leave the needle ridden giraffe.
"I haven't sanitized these since the last time i used them! I need to do that real fast." He says, getting up and disappearing into the bathroom.
I decide to take out my phone to distract myself, it is currently 7:34 AM, the day after me and Juuzou truly made love for the first time. It felt so surreal, too perfect. It had been so long since we had been able to hold each other like that. We hadn't had sex since before the Owl supression mission. After that, I only saw Juuzou a handful of times at work, and at the hospital visiting Shinohara. We barely got to talk, we would see each other across the room, but our jobs kept us apart. The last time i saw and spoke to Juuzou was 8 months ago, when Haise took me to the 13th ward for my 20th birthday.
Haise told Juuzou to take his lunchbreak early so i could see him. Juuzou never managed this, but squeezed in enough time to see me. We met up at a park where Juuzou gave me a small card with a note on it. The paper was a light pink, and folded into fourths. He had no time to stay longer than 5 minutes. Juuzou told me to read the card when i was back home and alone.
That night, while i was alone in bed, i read the card. It had few words, it only read,
"To my favorite girl,

You have no idea what you mean to me.


THIS BOOK ALL ABOUT SUZUYA JUUZOU (and me..)Where stories live. Discover now