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Its been a month since the auction raid, finally our first day off, is Christmas eve. Im helping Haise in the kitchen, while Saiko takes care of decorating the Christmas tree.
  "A lot of different people have been invited so everyone be on your best behaviour." Haise says, waving around a cooking spoon.
The door bell rings, and Haise goes off to answer it. I stare at the stove, waiting patiently.
The doorbell rings again, i peek over to see who it is.
"Gooood evening~" i hear a familiar voice say. I drop the cooking spoon onto the counter and hurry out, throwing myself into Juuzou's arms.
"Happy Christmas Juuzou!!" I yell, hugging him tightly. Juuzou returns the hug, lifting my off my feet a bit.
"Merry Christmas Makiko!" Juuzou says as he pulls away. I go to greet Hanbee but instead i'm met with a large, crudely wrapped box with a red ribbon tied around it.
"Ah.. Hanbee?" I say, walking around to find his face.
"Merry Christmas, Miss." Hanbee says, sitting the box down. Standing next to it, i realize it's bigger than I am.
"Ah.. You can just set that over there.." Haise says, pointing to the Christmas tree. Hanbee does as told, walking away. I quickly grab Juuzou's hand, pulling him to the couch.
"Juuzou! I missed you this past month!" I say, pushing him onto the couch and plopping beside him. He pulls me onto his lap, wrapping his arms around me. I lean into him, resting my head against his shoulder.
"Oh? You're unusually compliant~" Juuzou teases, squeezing me.
"Ah- Makiko I thought you were helping me cook?" Haise says, placing his hands on his hips.
"That was before my boyfriend arrived in a cute little bowtie." I say, leaning my head back to look at him.
"Makiko- let me see what you're wearing." Juuzou says, leaning back a bit. I quickly crawl off his lap, removing the blue apron tied to my body. I'm wearing a red dress that stops at the thigh, fitted to my waist. Underneath im wearing opaque black tights. Juuzou grabs me by the waist, making me spin for him.
"Did you dress up for me?" He questions, leaning down and taking a peek under my skirt.
"S-Senpai! You shouldn't do that!" Hanbee says quickly. I push my skirt down, my face turning red.
"Juuzou!" I exclaim, sitting back beside him. Juuzou has a smug look on his face, leaning back against the couch.
"Is no one else coming?" I inquire. My question is immediately answered, when Arima and Mado arrive.


Somehow i've been squeezed inbetween Arima and Juuzou at the dinner table. Being near the best investigator in the business has me nervous, i can barely manage to eat. I glance over at Juuzou, who has no problem eating to his hearts content. My mind is wandering, my thoughts zoned out of the conversation at hand.
I stare into my lap, rubbing my thumb against the prongs on the fork. Juuzou pokes my side.
"Are you going to eat?" He mumbles, his plate already clear. I look around at the table, everyone has already eaten.
I shake my head.
"I don't like it.." I mumble in return, sitting my fork on the plate, the clack of the plate against the fork interrupts the conversation.
"Are you not feeling well?" Arima asks me, wiping his mouth and setting the napkin on his empty plate. I stay silent, the entire table's eyes are on me.
"May i ask what your RC cell count is?" Arima questions, turning his body to face me.
"I-im not sure-"

"Well over  2000." Urie interrupts from the other end of the table. We all look at him, my face contorts in confusion. Juuzou stares down the table at Urie, his face dark.
"Are you still keeping tabs on me, you freak?" I say quietly. Haise quickly gets to his feet.

"I almost forgot! I have presents for the quinx!" Haise says loudly, motioning for us to go to the living room.
The people seated at the table get up, making their way to the livingroom.
I get to my feet, my palms are a bit clammy from the sudden confrontation. I rub my neck absentmindedly, making my way to the couch.
Juuzou appears beside me, snaking his arm around my waist.
"I brought you a gift too." He mentions, guiding me to the couch and sitting beside me.
"That huge box?" I question, slumping onto Juuzou's form. He nods, petting my head.
Haise returns, holding multiple small boxes. He hands one to each of the quinx squad members.
"For Urie, some nice headphones. For Saiko, that new game you mentioned. Shirazu, you get a bike.. Model." Haise says, a smile on his face.
"For Mutsuki.. I wasn't sure what to get you, i purchased a nice leather eyepatch for you." Haise tells him, waving his hands a bit.
Haise turns and places a small box in my hands.
"I got you something nice as well." Haise says, motioning for me to open it. I lift the lid off the box, inside lay a small ceramic rabbit in a bed of tissue paper.
I pluck it from its resting place, looking at it.
"I-i.. Its.. So cute.." I say, a bit flustered. Rabbits, my favorite animal, have always had a soft spot in my heart. A red ribbon is tied around its neck. The color combo of white and red reminds me of Juuzou when he was younger.
"I saw it and it made me think of you." Haise says, pushing his hands into his pockets and sitting back onto the couch.
Juuzou plucks it from my hands, looking at it.
"I like it!" Juuzou exclaims. I laugh softly, leaning back.
"Ah- i'll give you my present now!" Juuzou says, handing me back the rabbit. He jumps to his feet and hops to the large box's side.
"Come, come!" Juuzou calls, patting the box. I set the small box down and make my way to Juuzou's side.
"I'm kind of scared?" I say, tearing off the wrapping paper and ribbon. I pull open the box, and before i can react, a large white stuffed rabbit flops onto my person.
"Heavy!" I yell, clutching the rabbit against me.
"Merry christmas!!!" Juuzou yells, throwing up his arms excitedly.
The rabbit is larger than me, engulfing my person.
"Look how big it is!!" Saiko exclaims, getting up and hugging the rabbit.
"I love it! Love love love it!!" I tell Juuzou, i look at him, seeing a bright smile on his face.


"Bye Haise! See you on Monday!" I call out, Juuzou is wrapping now a second scarf around my neck.
"Juuzou!" I call out, pushing his hands away.
"I just want you to be warm! It's cold outside!" He says, buttoning up my coat.
"Be safe you guys!" Haise calls after me as Juuzou, Hanbee and I walk out.
"I'll be taking my leave now Senpai," Hanbee says, bowing to Juuzou.
"Goodnight Miss" Hanbee says before parting ways. I look at Juuzou, hugging his arm against my body.
"Let's go see the lights." He says, leading the way. Since the plaza where the Christmas tree is set up is not far, we opted to walk.
"I'm really sad that you're going back to the 13th ward now that the mission has concluded.." I say, walking beside him. I see my breath escape my mouth in the cold air.
Juuzou stays silent, i feel his hand fidgeting against my body.
"Are you sad too?" I question him, looking up at his face. He looks at me then flashes me a nervous smile, rubbing the back of his neck.
"I.. Am going to miss you..." He responds, stopping in the middle of the sidewalk. I let go of his arm, stepping back and looking at him.
"Is something wrong?" I question, watching him fidget. This seems out of character to me, i reach out and straighten his bowtie.
"I.. Umm..." Juuzou seems at a loss for words, he pushes his hands into his pockets. I stand there, watching him closely.
"I want you... To live with me.." He finally confesses, letting out a big breath. I press my cold fingers against my forehead, a bit pressed.
"I don't know if i can?" I respond, giving him a look.
"If you marry me they can't say no." Juuzou says casually, running a hand down the side of my head.
"Are you asking me to marry you..?" I inquire, my face growing a bit hot.
"I think i am. I can't imagine anyone else i'd ask!" He laughs, resting a hand on his stomach. I am truly shocked, i never thought Juuzou to be one for life long commitment. My failure to respond causes Juuzou to stop laughing, he places his hand on top of my head, tilting my head back to look at him.
"Do you not want to?" He asks me, a worried look on his face.
"I do," I respond quickly, bouncing on my feet.
"Ill marry you Juuzou!"
Juuzou smiles and wraps his arms around me, squeezing me tightly. I hug him back, a giddy laugh escaping me.
Juuzou pulls away, his hands on my face.
"I'm afraid you won't like the ring i got you" Juuzou says, clutching my face. I shake my head, gripping his wrists.
"I will love anything you get me." I say through squished cheeks. He pulls away and produces a small box from his pocket. He opens and looks the ring inside for a bit before turning the box to show me. Inside lay a small silver band, a simple diamond placed in the middle.
"I've been carrying this around since i returned to the 20th ward.." He tells me, taking it out of the box. He takes my hand and slides onto my finger, it fits just as any ring should.
"I.. You've wanted to ask for that long?" I say, looking at the ring on my hand before looking back up at him.
He nods, snapping the box closed and sliding it back into his pocket.
"I mean.. You're my everything." He says sincerely, grabbing both my hands in his. I stare up at him for a bit before pulling him down towards me, kissing him softly. He returns the kiss, letting go of my hands to cradle my face.
I pull away and flash him a smile, he returns one.
"We're gonna get married.. I never thought i would.." I tell him. He leans back, shaking his head.
"I never thought i would either.. Much less get a girlfriend." He says, grabbing my hand and pulling me along the sidewalk.
Sudden shyness takes over me, i clutch his hand tightly.
"So.. When do you want to get married?" I question. He swings our hands, humming softly.
"Spring time.. I think its pretty." He states, staring straight ahead.
A spring wedding...

THIS BOOK ALL ABOUT SUZUYA JUUZOU (and me..)Where stories live. Discover now