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The mystery of the tumor inside me rattles my body. I'm alone with my thoughts and its poisoning me.
Juuzou left me.. I don't know if for good... but.. he's definitely gone. I lay my hand on my forehead.

Why would he do this?

I'm so fucking upset. This can't be good for my body... this can't be good at all.
My mind wanders over the possibilities of what will happen to me in the next few days. I've never known anyone with cancer, how do these things go? I don't want to live in constant pain and sickness, uncomfortable in my own body. There's nothing I can do except wait, wait for someone or something to tell me what to do. I've forgotten how to function on my own, and I can't make desicions for myself anymore.
How do I function without Juuzou? It's at this point i realize that i have become entirely dependant on him, I cannot live without him.
The feeling welling inside me scares me...
Why did he leave? Is he going to stay gone?
Im a danger to myself without him, where has he gone???
Lost in thought i hadn't even realized my doctor walked in.
"Miss... So for now we are waiting on the test results.. You'll be able to go home if the results come back negative.. Do you have someone to take you home?" The doctor says these words to me, but they dont register immediately in my mind.
I had someone.. What do I do?
My failure to response made the doctor stand in awkward silence.
"Where was that boy you were with? Has he left? " the doctor asks, stepping closer to stand at the foot of my bed. He rests his hand on the railing, tucking his clipboard underneath his arm. Again, i don't respond, making the doctor seemingly more uncomfortable.
" It has suddenly occured to me in all the commotion I haven't been able to tell you my name," he pauses, raking his hand through his black hair, "Doctor Sumiyoshi Iida." He states, looking at my face.
I bring my eyes up to meet his, they're grey.
"I'm assuming you know mine..." I say quietly, bringing my arms in close to my body. He nods in response, sitting down in a chair that rests against the wall.
"Do you have anyone who can take you home?" He asks again, his eyebrows curving upwards, making him look worried.
To this question, i finally decide to answer, simply by shaking my head. Doctor Sumiyoshi sighs softly, rubbing the back of his neck while he thinks. "I'll see if I can get into contact with that boy you were with, Suzuya Juuzou right?"
This doctor asks a lot of questions.
I nod and pull the blanket up over my shoulders, laying down and turning my back to him. Hopefully this will give him the cue to leave.
I listen carefully, waiting to hear the squeak of his dress shoes exiting the room.


Uhm. Found out this story i wrote in 7th grade is one of the most popular tokyo ghoul fanfics on wattpad and decided to continue it. Ive graduated highschool now which is freaky to think about. I hope you enjoy my updated and new writing skills and comprehensible storyline. Lmao

THIS BOOK ALL ABOUT SUZUYA JUUZOU (and me..)Where stories live. Discover now