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Suzuya peeks over my shoulder. "Whats in those boxes? " he asks as he bends over and picks one up.

"They're probably my clothes Suzuya put it down. " I tell him, shoving them up against the wall.

"We'll get them later, right now we need to get you the clothes from your house."


I had to unpack when I returned, refolding each item of clothing and putting it in its correct place.

"Are these your clothes?? Theyre really... Cute." Suzuya says, holding up a pair of bloomers. He's offered to help me unpack.

"Thank you suzuya! I actually think im going to go shower.. You should go to bed." I tell him.

he groans, "I don't want to go to work tommorow!" he whines.

I walk out and go grab a towel. Thank god CCG sets up up with basic essentials.

I go to the bathroom and start the shower.

After my shower I feel refreshed. Adjusting my fresh night shirt around my body, I walk into the room to find suzuya asleep. It was kind of Suzuya to lend me his dress shirt to sleep in. Which reminds me.. He needs to wake up for work.
I walk over to the bed and reach out my hand towards his shoulder.

His arm springs up and grabs my wrist, I try to jump back, but suzuya holds me firm. " oh its just you..." he says, smiling tiredly. he gently lets go of my wrist.

"Its time for you to go to work." I remind him. He gets up and stretches while I pull the covers up to my face and close my eyes.

"Ugh I really dont want to go to work." he complains again. I glance at him, hes staring out the window, the sun just finishing its rise to the sky. He then begins undressing.

"Wha- dude!? " I yell as I cover my eyes with the blanket.

" dont you think you should do that in private?? " I say.

" mmh? " he responds.

" n-nothing" I reply.

I listen as i hear his belt buckle clink against itself before it goes quiet.

" okay you can stop hiding now silly~! " he says. I see his hand reach under the blanket, he grabs it and pulls it iff my face.
"I need to give you my phone number, let me see your phone." he says holding out his other hand. i point to the nightstand next to the bed, he drops the blanket back on my face and I hear him fiddle with my phone.

" when do you go to work next? " he asks, completley ignoring the fact that im trying to go to sleep.

"I only go in when they call me. I'm on call for being a newbie..." I mutter.

"Well I have to go- even though I really dont want to." He complains as he walks out of the room.

The door shuts, and I feel instantly alone. I hate being alone. maybe I should get a pet or something.
I'm instantly hit with a wave of tiredness, and i resign myself to sleep.


I wake up, a cold sweat on my forehead. what a horrible dream. I'm truly shaken, yet I dont even remember what the dream was.
My stomach growls at me, I havent eaten in so long, I forgot to. The bare ass groceries in the fridge can't be worked with. I decide to go out.

I pull on an oversized hoodie and thick jeans. It gets cold at night during this time of year. I grab my wallet and phone shoving it into the hoodie pocket.
I head out and hear the door lock click behind me as the door shuts. It then occurs to me that I left my key inside.
"God... Damn it.." I curse out loud, slapping my forehead.
Why am I so stupid? Now i have to either wait for Juuzou to get off work or phone him mid work. Either way I feel like he will get mad me.
I just decide to go and get food, leaving this problem for future me.


Its been about 30 minutes, and now I regret leaving this problem as it was. Now I actually just have to wait in the cold for Juuzou to come back.
I walk the edge of the sidewalk closest the buildings, i'm about 10 minutes out from the apartment.
I bite into the bread I purchased at 7-eleven, filling your stomach with carbs makes you warm.
Taking out my phone, I open my contacts to find only 2 numbers. Shinohara and Juuzou. Juuzou didnt even bother to name his contact.
Right when I was about to click the number on my phone, I feel a hand clap over my mouth and drag me into a nearby alleyway.
I drop my phone in surpise and my hood is ripped from my head.
"Knew you were a girl. I could tell by the way you walk." I hear a gruff male voice say behind me. I turn and see a large disheveled man gripping my arm.
Jesus christ I forgot how late it was! Tokyo is a bad place to be at night, especially as a female. The man shoves me against a wall, grabbing at my pants. The training that was drilled into me kicks in, and I kick him in the shin, hearing a loud crack. He screams out in pain, falling onto the scummy alleyway ground.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I scream at him. I couldn't tell whether he was human or a ghoul, you could never be so sure. Judging by the fact that he seemed to be crippled now, i'd judge he was human.
I stand over him, then give into the urge to stomp on his face. This earned a loud groan from him. I turned my back to him and walked out of the alleyway, picking up my phone. Miraculously it wasn't cracked.
Oh shit.
The call to Juuzou went through and its been on this entire time. I raise the phone to my ear.

"Are you okay what the fuck is going on??! Hello??" I hear Juuzou over the receiver. I rub my forehead in frustration, walking away from the alleyway as fast as possible.

"I was just assaulted by some human looking for a quick fuck." I answer, clear anger in my voice.

Juuzou goes quiet before saying, "did you... Like.. Are you okay?" He asks, worried. I chuckle softly, "No he didn't rape me.. He just got.. A-anyways I got locked out of the house! Are you off work...??" I trail off, awaiting his answer.

"I'm actually in the middle of a meeting at the moment, I was thinking about not answering your call." He laughs into the phone, I hear mumbling in the background. Dear god did he answer it in the meeting hall???

"Dude did you answer it in front of everyone??" I ask him, arriving at the front door. I hear Shinohara in the background, he doesn't seem very happy..

"Meeting is over in my opinion! Ill come right now so your little nose doesn't freeze off!" He says as I hear clambering in the background.
Is this man serious? Like for real?
"Uh.. Thank you, but shouldn't you stay-" he cuts me off, "okay i'm on the way- be there soon~!" Juuzou hangs up and I'm left wondering how this man still has a job.

THIS BOOK ALL ABOUT SUZUYA JUUZOU (and me..)Where stories live. Discover now