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Two years have passed

It's been a struggle.
Juuzou was moved to the 13th ward, and I was moved into what we call The Chataeu. This is where the quinx squad resides, led my Haise Sasaki.
My room is the first in the back hallway on the second floor. Me and Haise have been living in the large house alone together. We barely saw each other though, since he's busy training. I've since had the so called 'Q Surgery'. Juuzou was by my bedside for only a week before he was called back into the 13th ward. The second he recovered, he went back to work. Hes more dedicated than ever. We often cross paths when we visit Shinohara. He always brings a new boquet of flowers to decorate Shinohara's bedside. Shinohara being in this vegetative state has caused us to strive harder in becoming better investigators. Juuzou was promoted to associate soecial class. He attended a promotion ceremony for me when I rose to rank 2.
I haven't seen him for months, but we frequently message each other. He tells me about how he's training his squad to get him snacks on a schedule, and how his closest partner is a man named Abara Hanbee. I have yet to meet this man bitmut it sounds like Juuzou really confides in this man in place of me when I can't answer the phone.
Juuzou finally decided to tell me about his past the night he was transferred to the 13th ward. He told me how he was raised by the ghoul known as Big Mama, who still remains at large. How he became the way he is, and how meeting me has changed the way he thought.
I haven't felt his touch in months and i'm starting to become a bit desperate to see him. I often ask when he'll be off, but recently he hasn't been responding until the middle of the night. I no longer sleep nocturnally, so each time he responds im never awake.

I hear the door open, i'm sitting at the kitchen table staring at my phone, waiting for a text from Juuzou.
Haise walks in, carrying a bag of groceries. I bolt up and run to his side, helping him inside.
"Sassan I told you that you don't need to go grocery shopping for me!" I tell him, grabbing the bag from him.
"Well i was already out so don't worry! Besides I got news that the squad is finally being put together." He says, slipping out of his shoes and into slippers. I gasp and set the bag on the counter.
"Really? Those graduates from the academy?" I ask him, unpacking the groceries.
"Yeah! Mutsuki Tooru, Saiko Yonebayashi, Shirazu Ginshi and Urie Kuki." He says, leaning against the counter. All these kids are 2 years younger than me, I hope they dont feel intimidated by me and Haise.
"When are they moving in? Do you know?"

"Next week. We should clean the rooms and prepare a welcoming party." He says, pulling out his phone. I look at him, holding up a bag of coffee grounds.
"Another? You just bought 4 new packs yesterday, Sassan. Is there something special about this one?" I ask him, putting them in the cabinet.
"Ah.. They just seemed interesting. Also i got another text message from Juuzou." He says, showing me his screen. It shows a long message written by Juuzou, inquiring about me. I sigh and look at Haise.
"I feel like he talks to you about me more than he talks to me." I say, crossing my arms. Juuzou does this often, asking Haise if i'm eating and sleeping okay. I don't know why he doesn't just ask me these things.

"He's just worried about you I think.. Antsy about not seeing you for awhile." Haise responds, clicking away at his keyboard.
"Well what are you saying to him??" I question Haise, trying to look at his screen.
Haise puts his phone to his chest, looking at me.
"Don't you trust your dad to tell your other dad you're doing fine?" He teases. I roll my eyes,
"You're like a year older than me?? And he's not my dad!" I say, huffing as i lean back. He laughs and puts his phone in his pocket.
"Fine! Do you want me to make you some food..?" Haise asks, looking me up and down.
"No. I ate earlier.." I tell him, pushing my hands into my hoodie pocket. He tilts his head in doubt.
"I but the food in this home so if i see that theres none missing im gonna be mad." He says, walking to the refridgerator.
"Ah fine! Ill eat!" I say, grabbing at his arm. He laughs and backs away, placing his hand on my head.
"You can't lie to me. I know you too well!" He says, ruffling my hair. I stick my tongue out at him and continue putting the groceries away.


A month has passed now and i still haven't seen Juuzou. Even on my visits to Shinohara, I always seem to just miss him.
We welcomed four new memebers into the house, Haise confided in me that he feels as if we're all his children. I start to feel the same feeling from Haise as Shinohara, a replacement for my father.
Mutsuki, Haise and I are collectively looking into a ghoul named 'Torso'. Urie and Shirazu had to be saved by Haise because of their carelessness in the investigation. The ghoul they assumed was torso was not him, and it put a mark on Haise's reputation as a squad head.

"We should individually investigate the surgeon offices along this route. This should give us some leads." Haise concludes, looking at both me and Mutsuki. We nod in unison and separate.

Fuck. Mutsuki got himself involved with torso by himself.
I meet up with Haise, rushing towards the reported location. Urie and Shirazu are already on the scene when we arrive.
The three of them are cornered, the ghoul labelled serpent is also on the scene, to our horror.

I go to rush into battle before Haise yanks me back, going in my place.
I rush to the three of them,
"We have to get back! Come on Mutsuki and Urie! Get up!!" I yell at them. Haise is risking his life to protect these kids, i yank at their arms. They're too busy watching Haise,  glance up. Haise has his kagune out, dueling serpent. I look at Mutsuki, Urie, and Shirazu's faces. They stare in awe, watching who they thought was human, hash it out with a ghoul.
Haise soon gets beat down. I feel mutsuki try to rush in to help.
"Sta-" i begin to say

"STANDBY!" Haise orders us, holding his hand out. Haise's demeanor begins to warp, and i watch him regress into who only a select few know as 'Kaneki Ken'.
We all watch as Haise begins to beat down serpent, as torso escaped earlier at serpents appearance.

Haise stands over serpents body, I watch as they exchange words. Suddenly, the ghoul gets up, escaping hastily.
Haise begins to lose himself, letting out an animalistic scream.

My ear begin to ring as i watch helplessly. Haise is suddenly put down by investigators I know as Kuramoto and Takeomi. I look at my fellow squad members, now to their feet.



Haise strikes Urie,
"I've decided to dismiss you as squad leader." He tells Urie. I'm sitting on the couch awkwardly, not knowing whether I should be here or not.
"Im unable to agree with that." Urie responds.
"Its a superior's orders." Haise replies immediately, staring at Urie.
I hear Urie mumble something, then suddenly everyone is yelling at him. Shirazu kicks Urie in the ribs, throwing him to the ground.

"YOU FUCKING TRASH!" Shirazu screams into Urie's face, lifting him up by the collar of his shirt. Urie remains stone faced as he's being berrated by Shirazu.
"I..i wish you'd apologize to Sensei.." Mutsuki says quietly once Shirazu stops screaming.

"It doesnt matter what Urie says to me.. Besides i've decided on a new squad leader." Haise says simply, pointing at Shirazu.
"Rank 3 Ginshi." He says plainly. Shirazu seems taken aback, looking at Haise in surprise. Mutsuki and I share a look of concern.


THIS BOOK ALL ABOUT SUZUYA JUUZOU (and me..)Where stories live. Discover now