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Cleo's POV

After a very exciting outing, I almost forgot about Jude. Until it was breakfast the next day, and everyone started acting coupley again. Even Richelle and Ozzy, and they decided to keep things platonic for goodness sake! All of this cuddling, all of this romantic humour, I couldn't take it anymore. So I ran upstairs, took the Minnie Mouse pen that Jude gave to me on our picnic and began to write on some emergency paper that Izzy had let me borrow on the plane. I needed a scheme, I needed to bring the old me back, I needed Jude. And I had just the plan.

Izzy's POV

I saw Cleo running back upstairs, and I was worried about her, so I followed her to her hotel room. I hid behind the door, but poked my head out to see Cleo scribbling something while probably unconsciously muttering certain details. 

"Okay so... calling Jude's mother... convincing her how amazing the LGBTQ+ community is... outing Jude to her mother... she approves... and we date." Cleo sighed. I couldn't tell if it was a sigh of guilt, or a sigh of exhaustion, but she did sigh. Or maybe she didn't sigh, maybe I was hallucinating from not sleeping enough. Either way, what Cleo was doing was wrong. No one deserves to be outed like that, not even if they have good intentions.

I tried to tiptoe to my room so that Cleo couldn't hear that I had been spying on her, but of course, I tripped over a sock, causing me to crash into the floor. I heard footsteps, and ran into the nearest door I could find. Well actually, I ran through a bunch of doors. Which led me to a bathroom? Weird. But it was only Heath in there so I guess it was okay. But he was on the floor looking sad, so was it really? The only acceptable answer is no, so don't even.

Heath's POV

Izzy ran into the room, and daintily jumped into the bathtub, shutting the curtain behind her. I was very confused, but sometimes with Izzy, you don't ask questions.

"Is she gone?" she whispered, poking her head through the slightly transparent blue curtains. I tapped her nose subtly, and climbed into the almost empty tub with her.

"I'm pretty sure." I must pulled a face because Izzy says,

"What's up, you don't look very happy for someone who's on holiday in one of the best cities in the world." She fiddled with her hair for a bit, waiting for my response, something she tended to do a lot more of recently.

"I am, I am happy." Izzy raised her eyebrows. "But... I can't help but think about what happens now. After we finish the documentary. What if we aren't friends with the rest of the team anymore? What if we end up all hating each other? What if something really bad happens—"

"Nothing like that is gonna happen, okay? After this, we'll all be in contact and get our happily ever afters. I promise." She lays down like a starfish on top of my legs.

"You promise?"

"I absolutely turkey jerky swear." And to prove it, she sealed it by giving me a Ziploc bag filled with nothing but our favourite snack.

"Please Miss Saunders, it is time for people to ask themselves whether they want to live in a society that marginalizes citizens and make them feel unwelcome. There is no reason why a gay person should be denied the same rights and freedoms as their straight counterparts, whether it's same-sex marriage or the right to adopt a child. Gay rights give our society a chance to grow and improve in ways that simply were not available to previous generations. Denying a person equal rights due to their sexual orientation is no better than denying them equal rights due to their race!" We heard from the corridors after a bit of us time.

"What? No, I'm Asian, but that's not why I said that—" A beep could be heard, probably her hanging up, followed by a long string of uttered curse words. Yep, definitely was her hanging up.

Izzy strained her eyes to look at me remaining in her starfish position, and I turned to look at her whilst demolishing the last of the jerky, before both deciding internally that we should sit back and watch the fire burn, instead of trying to put water on it and accidentally making it worse.


Winnie's POV

All the B-troupers were on a Zoom call from home or the hotel, just chilling and having fun as we do. Except the vibe wasn't so chill. More loud.

"Missing you guys, I guess."

"Marcus, how many times? I miss them more."

"But you don't."




"Cleo, I can't believe you outed me to my mother. She probably never wants to speak to me again!"

"I was doing it for us!"

"I don't care, that doesn't make it right!"




"Why can't you understand this is for the better?"



Mute. Mute. Mute. Mute. There, better.

ethanisthebest: Ha, I got the last word.

"Anyways, how are the rest of you?" I asked.

"I'm going great," Izzy responded in her usual bubbly tone, "Heath and I chilled in the bathtub eating turkey jerky."

"You guys did what ?"

"Yeah, we just sat there in an empty bathtub, you know?"

"Not really, but good for you guys."

"Pete and I have been baking cookies and cupcakes and gifting them to homeless people to make their day!"

"Yeah, and Grace is amazing at decorating!"

"Well Presley and I have been binging RuPaul's Drag Race on FaceTime."

"I could do a way better job at drag then them."

"And so I've heard."

"Guys, why is the chat going crazy with notifications?"

"Oh Clude."

A/N: 🎶Guess who's back, back again🎶

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2020 ⏰

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