Coming Home

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Richelle's POV

Today was the first day of filming and I was so excited- Piper was being ridiculous passing up such a big opportunity, though I understood. I wonder what Noah would think of all of this. He worked so hard to get us all to nationals: he had everyone vote whether he deserved to stay or go; he was rejected for a role of Robin Wood: The Musical ; carried regionals on his back... and he still left. Only for us to scratch Nationals for Dancemania (which we lost), and now we had our own documentary? If I was Noah, I would be furious. But of course, he's not like that.

Ozzy's POV

 I was just on the bus to the studio as usual, when I noticed a familiar face...


"Long time, no see, bro!"

"How's everything been? You landing some big roles?" I asked teasingly.

"Well, actually I've just landed a role in a musical and I'm on my way back from rehearsals."

"That's great, man. I always knew that you'd make it far. Hey? How about you come to the studio today? Maybe catch up with all of us?"

"Sure. Is Jacquie still at the studio?" he asked, practically choking on his own voice at the name.

"Nah, she left as soon as you did."

Noah's POV

Weird. Jacquie said that we had to break up so that she didn't hold me back. But if she just left too, then does that mean that she lied to me? Anyways, I'm pretty excited to see everyone at The Next Step again. It will like returning after college, almost. The team is family, and I can't wait to come home.


Lucien's POV

Presley informed me that the team are refusing to take part in the documentary? Unacceptable. I will not let ruin everything that they have worked for- everything I have worked for.

"Summer!" I yelled, "What... is... this?!" I looked around the room in disgust. There were pillows and blankets scattered across the floors- and blending into the disarray were none other than the dancers. But not just any dancers- my dancers.

Summer's POV

I set up a sit-in for the dancers. I told them to relax and feel at home. This is not just for my benefit, this is for everyone's.

"Hey Lucien," I responded stuttering, "I set up a sit-in, today. Would you like to join?"

"Join? Summer, have you lost your brain cells? I refuse to be reduced to this childish behaviour, and I refuse to believe that you guys are going to pass up such an opportunity! Clean up this mess and start getting ready for the camera crew."

"No." I don't know why it happened. I guess that I had enough of being treated like a doormat.


"You heard me. No. Lucien, I will not let you ruin this team by forcing us to do this! Do you want to be known as the bad guy who had, not one, but two notorious dance teams? Do you want to be known as 'those meanies on that one documentary'? I'm doing this for us!"

"Summer, you don't get it, do you?! You're not helping us, you're jeopardising our chances of being successful. I think it's best if you took a break from dance captain for now."

"What?! But-"

"No arguing. I'll manage the team myself for the time being."


Emily's POV

The team were just discussing how things will work and what the schedules be until the director brings up the empty spot.

"Since Piper is not filming with us, we need to find a replacement for her."

The faces of our team instantly changed. Clearly, they didn't want to talk about this.

"So, does anyone know a dancer?"

"I Noah dancer!" came a voice from the door. Everyone heads turned around to see the figure. It was none other than Noah himself.

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