Take Me Back To London

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Finn's POV

It was the day that we were finally going to London, and Piper was over at my house to help me pack, since she claims that I'm 'an awful packer'. I disagreed, but let her come in anyway. I mean, look at that face! How could anyone resist?

Piper's POV

I was in Finn's bedroom folding some of his clothes while he ate Oreo's in my face- what we usually did- but something wasn't right. Things were... different.

"Finn, what's wrong? Things are never like this between us! Was it the showcase?"

"You know what, Piper! Your brother told me everything! What do I have to do to get you to trust me?!"

"Huh? My brother? What did he tell you?"

"Pipes, is it true that you told your brother about 'how much I mean to you' and 'how much you like me'?"

"Finn, what's with the air quotes? You know that I like you." At this point, I was holding his hands. I didn't know anything about this conversation with James, but it must have been pretty serious.

"Of course! Why did I even bother asking? Just know that when your brother tries to force us apart, don't say I didn't warn you."

"Finn, I've talked to him about this! He's cool with it!"

"Really, Piper! Because he didn't seem so cool when he accused me of stealing you away from him, or when he accused you of not knowing how to open up to me after you literally confessed your love for me to him!" He stopped to take a breath. Finn had just yelled at me for the first time.

Kingston's POV

Lily and I had just finished packing and were getting ready to leave for the studio since they were taking us to the airport. Lily looked down at her suitcases and then at the door repeatedly. I could tell she was feeling the nostalgia. 

"Babe, it's gonna be okay. Promise me that you're not going to let this get to your head."

She sighed. "I promise." I kissed her forehead. She was such a precious bean.

Ozzy's POV

Izzy and I were just packing up to leave for London. I wasn't surprised that B-troupe managed to raise enough money- just that Izzy did all of this without my help. Maybe she was more responsible than I was giving her credit for.

"Izzy? I think I may have been overreacting about your... situation with Heath. Clearly, you've become a very independent woman since you got into B-troupe."

"Thank you, Ozzy. And I'm sorry that I happened to fall for your bitter rival. I never meant for that to happen, it's just-"

"As long as he doesn't hurt you, then it should be fine." She smiled, but it wasn't her usual bubbly smile. It was a nervous one.

Izzy's POV

I couldn't tell my brother that my heart was already broken, and confused. Heath was just mad at me, and then there was that moment. We seemed to have a lot of those. When his hand touched my face, was there something there? Or were we just being silly?

In the space of half a second, I made the executive decision to cover my emotions with a smile. This smile, however, came out wrong. It was all twisted and nervous. 

"Izzy? Oh no! He's already broken you, hasn't he? The showcase fiasco, your recent silence! It makes perfect sense! Heathcliff's not going to be able to walk straight once I'm done with him!"

"Ozzy! Heath didn't break me. He just left me very confused, but I'm going to get to the bottom of this! Besides, you have more important things to worry about- like Richelle!" I knew changing the subject would work. To be truthful, I was just trying to avoid talking about Heath.

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