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Richelle's POV

It was the day I had been waiting for. We were going sight-seeing! Visiting places like Big Ben and Buckingham Palace were dreams that I had wanted to fulfil for a while now, but according to my parents, 'dance is more important than whatever shenanigans are in the Queen's house'. Filled with excitement, I decided to text Ozzy about everything I wanted to do.

Izzy's POV

We had done it! Everyone was going to face the time for their crime, and the Secret Squad was no longer! Now I could sit back and enjoy the rest of this trip. Well, I still had one more thing left to do, of course.

I knocked on Heath and Ozzy's door, and nervously tapped the ledge of the door. What if things went wrong somehow or-

"What do you mean by 'go wrong'?" I looked up to see none other than Heath leaning against the wall in style. This was my chance, and I had to take it.

"Um... that's not important. Could I... talk to you for a second?"

"Talk?" Ozzy raised his eyebrow. He was obviously texting Richelle, because he had a glow on his face, and that didn't happen often with Ozzy.

"Yeah, talk." Heath said, in my defence, almost, taking a step towards me.

"Whatever," he replied, doing a dismissive gesture with his right hand while his eyes were stuck on the gadget in his left, "I don't even care anymore."

Heath took my hand and led me onto one of the balconies.

"I-" we both tried to start at the same time.

"I'll start," Heath insisted, "Izzy, when I first met you, I could instantly see your determination to get onto the team, and I admired that. It pushed me to be my best that day, and that's something I'm forever grateful for. When I got to know you better, you were smart, bubbly and we just clicked. We had small interactions until the kiss. That kiss was my first kiss, and I wouldn't have wanted it with anyone else. Thing went a little awkward from there, and then we hit a rough patch. That patch gave me some of the most painful days. But we're stronger than that. We bounced back and here we are." I smiled at that. Despite how complicated we let everything become, our journey was a wild one.

"Izzy? Are you... crying?" Heath questioned.

"What? No, I don't cry."

"And the showcase?"

"That was a one-off occasion, okay! Don't speak of it. I'm not crying, I just have something in my eye."

He tilted my head up and blew into my eyes. "Better?" he said teasingly.

"Come on, Heath, you know I hate my emotions!"

"Maybe but it won't stop me from teasing you!" Ugh, typical Heathcliff.

"I think you're confusing me for my brother?"

"Izzy, I could never. How do confuse such perfection with... that?"

"Hey! That's my brother we're talking about! But that won't stop me from agreeing with you." We giggled and then we went quiet.

He licked his lip and leaned in to kiss me but I pushed his face away lightly. "Nuh uh, not until after we go sight-seeing."

"Fine," he grumbled.

"Don't be sad, we're dating now. You'll have plenty of opportunities to kiss me." I said as I held his hands.

"Right because you're my girlfriend."

"Exactly, and you're my boyfriend."

I pecked him on the lips before heading inside. I was dating Heath. Me, the weirdest girl in the studio had a boyfriend!

"Izz, what happened to no kissing until after we go sight-seeing?"

"Oh, forget that."

He smiled, and I smiled too.

Amy's POV

Sight-seeing wasn't really my thing, who cared about traditional England food or old clocks? I decided to video-call Summer before we left. Things must have been weird now that Lucien was in prison.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

It wasn't long before she picked up, probably eager to talk to someone after so long.

"Hey Amy, what do you want?"

"Want? Summer, I just wanted to check in on you, and see how you're doing!"

"Oh. Well, Electricity's really boring now that we have nothing to work towards. And then of course, we have no one to supervise us which might not even be legal..."

"Please. We've had enough of the police. Weren't you guys meant to come to the studio for filming or something?"

"Not anymore, it was cancelled."

"Cancelled? Why?"

"Apparently, you guys are making more drama from a kidnapping and an eating disorder? I hope everyone's okay."

The truth was Kenzie wasn't okay. Emily and Kenzie went on a flight back to Canada to sort everything, so it must have been bad.

"Um... yeah, we'll be fine. Okay, got to go, love you Summer, bye!" And I hung up.

Cleo's POV

"Cleo, I love you, I really do, but us? That can't happen, I can't risk another reason for the world to hate me. We have to just stay friends."

Friendship, a state of mutual trust, affection and support between people. It could either be a great thing, or a not so great thing. In this case, it was my worst nightmare. I didn't want my relationship with Jude to be mutual. I wanted it to be more than that, and I knew she did too. But her parents didn't. So maybe I just had to make them see something they didn't before?

Jude's POV

We headed on a double decker bus, and of course, I had to sit next to Cleo. Heath and Izzy were taking silly selfies on the top, and obsessing over the view together; Finn and Piper had their arms around each other whispering things. And there Cleo and I were, trying our hardest to be 'friends'.

"So... it's nice up here." I started.

"Yeah... I'd rather not talk for now if that's okay. Just trying to work out some stuff."  I knew that we couldn't date, but why didn't she wanna be friends?

A/N: So this is like really short but I thought for my birthday and as a way to give back for all the bday wishes, I'd have Heathizzy endgame! Weird ik, but I owed it to myself and I owed it to you guys so enjoy if you can aha.

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