Never Safe

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Izzy's POV

I woke up to the smell of buttery crumpets and all different sorts of tea. Turns out Britain was a lot like Canada. Free healthcare, questionable leaders, and a lot of cold. I kinda liked it. But I didn't have time to compare the two destinations and over-analyse them. It was a big day. I had a lot of butt to kick, and I was lucky enough to get to do it with the person I love. Wait, I didn't mean that, did I? Ugh, I could worry about my love for Heath later. I had to focus on taking Jayden and everyone else in that stupid squad down. 

Lily's POV

I volunteered myself to come with Heath and Izzy for many reasons. One of them is so that I can see Heathizzy unfold, especially with my current situation regarding romance. They were so oblivious, and it was too cute- plus this plan is causing me to ruin all of my relationships all over again. Two, I'm part of the Secret Squad myself. As is my mother, and Nick too. And of course, other members of our families are at other studios. And of course, other families at other studios. We all had a colossal meeting a while ago and formulated a step-by-step plan, including  taking down the biggest studios.

Heath's POV

I was so excited to come with Izzy on this 'thing that she had to do'. I get to see this Jayden guy and I get to spend some time with the girl I love. Wait what? Never mind, it's too early for that.

I met Izzy and Lily at the entrance to the hotel. Lily had a smug look on her face and Izzy was practically going to shake her bandana off her head.

"Izz, take my jacket. You look as if you're about to freeze."

"No, no, no, I'm fine. I'm just really nervous."

"Nervous about what?"

"Just the worst possible things that could happen."


"What if they take you away, or they hurt you? I don't want you to suffer because of my mistakes."

"Izzy, I still don't know or understand anything about this 'mistake' but I do know that you're the most amazing girl, and a simple 'mistake' won't invalidate that. You're perfect, and I will go to no ends to defend you from anything threatening your perfection."

She hugged me tightly, and I could make out the faint sniffles against my chest. I didn't know she was this broken. 

"Anyways, if you two lovebirds are done yet, some of us have places to be." Izzy turned around to see Lily with her arms folded, tapping her foot on the grey, tiled floor. If looks could kill, we'd very much be destroyed.

Izzy rolled her eyes. "Don't you dare start that game with me, you're the one who volunteered to be here. Besides, we still have time until we have to go."

Lily nervously looked at her watch repetitively and bit her lip. "What? No, we don't! We have to go, like now! Come on!" she said, as she dragged us both by the wrist out of the exit. It was weird. 

Lily's POV

Heath and Izzy were oblivious, as they should have been. They couldn't know that there was no actual protest. They couldn't know it was just a set-up. 

"Heath, I'm so excited to go on the iconic London double-decker bus!"

"I know right, we're going to go to the very top and take the best selfies!"

"You bet we will!"

"Double-decker bus?" I interrupted. "I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but who said anything about a double-decker bus? No, no, no, I called a taxi to take us there."

"But it's the Houses of Parliament? We don't need a taxi for that!"

"Sh, sh, sh, just trust me!" That is something they should NOT have done.


Izzy's POV

It had been a couple hours and the taxi driver kept driving down these weird paths and it freaked me out. Clearly, Heath thought the same.

"Excuse me, sir? Is this the way to the Houses of Parliament?" Lily sighed and sank in her chair, while the driver raised an eyebrow. 

"No, young man, I don't know where you got that from but that's not where we're heading."

"What? Then where are we going?" Heath inquired.

"You've arrived at your destination." A dark alleyway. I had read and watched enough to know of all the bad things that happened here. Especially as a teenage girl in shorts, worried was a severe understatement to what I was feeling. 

"What? No, no, no, no, no! This can't be happening! I'm not going in there, I'm not stupid!" I protested. "Lily, what about the protest? You know, outside the Houses of Parliament?"

"Oh Izzy. For someone like you, you sure are stupid."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"There's no protest. You may be one step ahead of us, but we're five steps ahead of you. We knew you'd try and stop us. We knew you'd pretend to come back. We knew it all. And now, you and your little boyfriend-"

"He's not my boyfriend!"

"And now,  you and your little boyfriend are trapped."

"Trapped? Trapped where, I don't see any-"

And it all went black.

A/N: Another filler, oH. I have to stop doing that.

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