It's Time To Come Clean

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Izzy's POV

It was the big day. The day when I would have to explain everything to everyone. I knew that I owed the studio an explanation, but it still felt stupid apologising for trying to save us all.

Heathcliff's POV

I hadn't been myself lately, and I knew it was because of Izzy. I thought that we had something, but I guess I was wrong. Just as I was about to leave, I got a text from her. I didn't really want to open it but there was a part of me that longed to know what it said.

Heathcliff, I know that I've been acting strangely lately, but I have a valid explanation!

I was so angry that I sent her a voice message completely lashing out on her.

"A valid explanation, Izzy! You're telling me that you have a valid explanation for kissing some random dude at the back of a library surrounded by street kids! You're telling me you have a valid explanation for leaving me on read these past few days! You're telling me that you have a valid explanation for breaking my heart!" I scoffed. "See you at the studio." I said icily before pressing send.

Izzy's POV

I was so excited to see a video message from Heath- until saw what it was about. I played the message over and over. I couldn't believe it. The only person that mattered to me was gone.

Kenzie's POV

Over the last few days, I'd been feeling pretty tired even though I'd been getting a ton of sleep. Also, sometimes I felt dizzy and got random headaches. I had no idea why but I didn't think of it of major. I packed my bags and left as usual.

Henry's POV

Everyone was just stretching in Studio A ready to learn the choreography for the opening dance in the documentary. I was talking to the boys about how we were all in the middle row- well, except for Ozzy but you know, it is what it is. Speaking of the Oz, her little sister ran into A-troupe's rehearsal asking to talk to Emily. Like, sis, couldn't you not interrupt our rehearsal here? Thank you.

Izzy's POV

I was walking into Emily's office, wondering what she would say about this whole mess. It would be a miracle if I managed to convince her what I was saying wasn't some made-up fantasy.

"Hey Emily, could I talk to you for a second?" I asked, hesitating.

"Look Izzy, I'm really busy here. Maybe we could talk another time?"

"No, Miss Emily, this is really serious, and needs to be discussed now before it gets any worse."

"Ok then. What is so important that you had to interrupt my dancer's rehearsal and demand that you 'talk' to me?"

"I have video proof of a street crew trying to take down dance. If they succeed, then there won't be a documentary, there won't be a way for dancers to communicate or emote, there won't be a Next Step, there won't-"

"Izzy. I get it. Now can you please show me this video. You better not take after your brother and his fantasies." I smirked a little. Ozzy was a little cray-cray sometimes.

I could feel Emily's shock and confusion. When the video eventually stopped playing, her face turned stone-cold.

"Why were you even there? How do I know that you're not a spy? How do I know that this isn't set up?"

I sighed. "Emily, I could never lie to you or the studio. I used to be a part of this squad, I used to want to destroy dance. You're going to have to trust me. If you don't, that's fine. They're going to try and protest in a few weeks outside the British Parliament. I'm going to be there. If anyone wants to come, please let me know."

I turned to leave the office but Emily stopped me. "Izzy, of course I trust you. Actually, A-troupe are going to London in a few weeks time as a little treat. If you and any other B-troupe members want to come, then be my guest. But only if you pay for your own flights. I can manage the rest."

"OMD! Thank you, Miss Emily!" I threw my arms around her, and she didn't even flinch. Now all I had to was figure out how on earth I was gonna pay.

A/N: Hey guys! How are you all doing? Sorry this update took so long! My computer deleted my work, forcing me to write again. Also, I have a couple new collaborations that I am working on. sunflower_seeds_ and I are working together to write The Next Step- Pinn. You should read that story as it is amazing. Finally, MissEurovision and I have started a joint profile called LonglostTNStwins. We'll be releasing something there later today! Okay, peace out✌!

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