An Angsty Slumber

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Nick's POV

The plan was falling into place. We had arrived and everyone was settling into their rooms even though they weren't tired at all. It was night here so they were all just "chilling" with each other and being kids. The kids. The sweet and innocent kids who thought that this was just a vacation. The sweet and innocent kids who thought that I was actually here to be a studio owner. They wished. This was for revenge. When the time was right, I was going to pounce.


Emily's POV

The next day, the dancers had never had so much energy. Must have been all the sleeping they were doing. They argued about the order of our events but settled on a relaxing day to heal everyone's minds and bodies after such an extreme travel. They all went to the spa. Well, I say they, I mean we. I got to go too! Nick said that he had "stuff to do" or whatever. I mean, his loss.

When we came back, the two troupes said that it would be best to just 'wonder around the hotel'- but I knew that was code for sneaking in the pool. I had been a kid once too! They all came back on time, surprisingly, and went up to Lily's room for a slumber party or whatever. The dancers had been through a rough time so they deserved it.

Richelle's POV

We all headed up to Lily's room in our pyjamas and B-troupe was boasting about all of their sleepover materials. Why did they have to be so arrogant? They were like, "Look at us, look at us! We're so much smarter than you guys!" Was I that arrogant as a child? Was I still that arrogant?

Heath's POV

Things between Izzy and I had been strange to say the least. We acted as if we're fine, but we both knew we need to talk. I still didn't know why she'd kiss another guy, then make me fall for her all over again at the showcase. Why would she comfort me and act like nothing ever happened? Was Izzy a player? No, don't say that, you were never dating her in the first place.

Piper's POV

I was NOT in the mood for a slumber party. I didn't matter how much I liked Finn, he didn't get to criticise my brother like that. I get it, James is protective, but only because he wants what's for me. And I don't know if Finn does. 

Kingston's POV

I decided to call a slumber party because I want to have a better version of what bro night was a few weeks back. The girls totally crashed it and then we ended up just going to the cinema and watching their cheesy rom-com. Obviously, Henry liked it, but it wasn't very enjoyable for the rest of the bros: we just completely zoned out, and pretended to care when our dates rambled on about how much fun they had. Well, except for Kenzie, she went solo.

Jude's POV

Of course it was awkward. Everyone was so divided with their drama, that when we came together, nothing seemed right. This was like B-troupe all over again, except this time, we didn't have Piper to save us. This time, she was the one causing it all.

Lily's POV

"Let's play truth or dare, but this time, without any distractions," Henry offered, shooting daggers into Amy's eyes.

"Excuse me? It was not my fault so let's not go blaming me, thank you very much!" Amy yelled.

"Well, I think we should blame Piper, it was her idea!"

"Oh please Richelle, we all know you're just jealous."

"How dare you say that to Richelle? If anything, you're the one jealous of her!" Ozzy said, putting his arm around Richelle.

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