Opposites Attract

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Izzy's POV

I stared at the note in disbelief. I knew perfectly well who it was from, but I didn't know how to react. So in that situation, I listened to my gut- I ran. I couldn't go, could I? It would be so awkward having to talk about everything with him. Did he really feel so insecure that we had to meet up at The Next Steep to talk about it? Of course, he did. It's him.

Richelle's POV

I couldn't believe that Noah actually came back! I was so excited to see him. When I ran into his arms, everything felt right again. That's the thing about Noah and I- no matter how far we stray from each other, we always find a way back. I could see a scowl on Ozzy's face as we hugged, but that's just Ozzy. I thought that he finally got over his constant obsession with me, but I guess I was wrong.

Ozzy's POV

I was glad Noah came back, but seeing him hug Richelle made me a bit more aware of everything that they had. If Noah were to ask Richelle out, what would she say? Get over yourself, Ozzy, he was heartbroken over Jacquie two seconds ago!

Izzy's POV

I was just sitting on my bed deciding what to do about the note when I heard a knock at the door. I checked through the peep hole just to be safe (Ozzy, take notes) only to see Richelle standing right there. I opened the door and put on my friendly voice. No one can know about my subtle dislike for Richelle.

"Hey, Richelle! What on earth are you doing here?!"

"Just came to check in on you! How is my little star?" She has been calling me that quite alot since I called her my #idol.

"I'm completely fine!" I said with a nervous laugh, "How are you, my #idol?"

"All good. Um... do you know where your brother is?" She looked over my shoulder.

"Not really," I lied. I didn't like lying to people but sometimes it's necessary.

"Ok, let me know when you see-" Of course, at that moment, Ozzy had to walk across the living room shirtless brushing his teeth. He stopped in his tracks once he saw 'the love of his life' at the door. Then he ran.

"Him." Richelle looked nothing but confused in that moment, and I don't blame her. I can't relate because well, I live with that lunatic of a brother.

"He'll be back," I assured. "5... 4... 3... 2... 1." By the time I had muttered the number one, he had scurried on in here just as quickly as he scurried out.

"Told you," I said, winking at Richelle. "Well, I gonna go and make a few decisions, so... see ya!" Then it was my turn to run for the second time that day.

Piper's POV

Today was the first day of filming, and I can't help but feel left out. Everyone's posting pictures about filming and how much fun they're having on set. And then there's me. When the documentary releases, no one's gonna believe me when I say I'm on A-troupe! Yes, of course, I have regionals and Dancemania to back me up, but what if they say that I was kicked off? What if they say that I'm lying for fame? What if they spread so many rumours about me that-

Halting my thoughts, Amy comes into my room through the window?

"Amy, is that you? What are you doing here?"

" James won't let anyone see you because you're going through something right now," she said, using air quotes for the last part of the sentence. "Anyways, just thought you should know that someone else is in this room."

"What? Who? What do they want from me? Amy, is someone trying to hurt me? Amy, this is no laughing matter!"

I felt his arms wrap around me and instantly knew who it was. "Oh Finn!" I exclaimed without turning around, "You scared the life out of me!" He sat beside me and put an arm around my shoulders, and I leaned into his chest, which was surprisingly warm.

"Finn, why is your chest always so warm?"

"Well, Pipes, have you ever heard of the saying 'opposites attract'?"

Finn's POV

She gives me a smile, and I know that's her way of saying thank you.

Amy's POV

Seeing Finn and Piper gave me flashbacks to when Latroy, Henry and Ty held me that way. I never knew as to why Finn never did, but now I do. He loved Piper all along. I kind of felt like a third wheel to a couple that weren't even official. Oh goodness, that's how Piper felt, isn't it?

Izzy's POV

I decided to go to The Next Steep because I had nothing to lose. I put on my designer ripped jeans, black t-shirt and red cap and proceeded to head out, only to see...

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