Chapter 6

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Tony's POV

I spent the rest of the day feeling shocked over what had happened. Somebody actually helped me. Mike helped me.
And it's not like it was just a small favour, because even that would have been a step up from his previous actions of bullying me. It was an even greater step up, he stood up to Adam, his friend, just so he'd leave me alone.

I know I should thank him properly, show him how grateful I really am, but I just don't know how. All I'd do is get nervous and my words will get mixed up and i'll just look like an idiot.

It was about half way through our maths lesson before I finally broke the silence and forced myself to say something to Mike. He had come to sit with me at the start of the lesson, sitting in the seat next to me at the back of the class that is usually empty, recieving strange looks from the rest of the class who were probably wondering what had posessed him to want to sit next to me. He joined me with nothing more than a quiet 'hey' and a small smile, but I appreciated it nonetheless.
There was then a half hour of silence between us as I tried to build up the courage to say something.
"Hey, um, thank you for earlier. Nobody's ever done something like that for me before" I finally managed to squeak out, which made my heart beat harder than ever and I wished I had never said anything as I waited for a reply.
"No problem" He smiled and lightly tapped my back with his hand- a gesture that made my heart beat even faster and my face go unbelievably red.

And then there was silence again. Was Mike regretting helping me? Did he suddenly realise how annoying I am and decide he doesn't want to talk to me? I panic to myself for the duration of the lesson about the boy sat beside me.
We both muttered quiet goodbyes when the bell rang signalling we could go home, and then went our separate ways again.
It may not have been much of an experience, but this is definitely the longest time I have been with one of my bullies without getting beaten up.

Things might be going differently at school, but nothing has changed at home. I'm still going to bed with no dinner, my dad still wants to fight me every time he sees me and I'm still too scared to even attempt to leave my bedroom.
I'm laid out on my bed with my laptop resting on my stomach as I'm scrolling through Tumblr- a position I'm usually in considering there's not much more entertainment I can find when I'm stuck in my room for most hours of the day.
Suddenly, my laptop makes a noise signalling I have received a Facebook message. I look up to the Facebook tab on my laptop screen and I feel my body tense and my heart beat harder.
"(1) Mike messaged you "

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