Chapter 10

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Tony's POV

Examining my face in the mirror the next morning, I wasn't surprised to see the large, purple bruise that had been left upon my cheek bone by my dad. Luckily, it was the weekend, so I won't have school until Monday and hopefully the worst of this black eye would have gone by then. The last thing I want is for Mike to see it and start questioning me about this- he can't know about my dad- he'll think I'm pathetic.

I go downstairs to get myself some breakfast, awkwardly stepping around my dad.
"You better cover that bruise up. Tell people about what happened and you're dead." He spits after glaring at the bruise he had formed on my face.
I nod, trying not to anger him any further before getting a bowl of cereal and quickly returning to my bedroom.

I turn on my laptop and smile to myself when I see that I have a Facebook message from Mike.

"Hey Tony! How's it going? Did you get home alright last night?"

"Yeah I got home fine, thank you" I reply, and in a matter of seconds he's typing something back, signalling that he's online.

"That's good! I was wondering if you had Skype and maybe we could video chat or something? Only if you want to :)" I immidetly start to panic. I can't skype him, he'll see the bruise on my face and he'll ask questions and he'll just think i'm weak and pathetic. I can't just tell him I don't want to either, he'll think I don't want to be his friend and I really do.

"Sorry, I don't have Skype. I might get an account another time though so we can video chat :)" I quickly reply and pray that he doesn't ask me to get an account now.

"Okay, no problem. We can just chat on here for now (:"

Monday morning came around soon enough, and unfortunately that meant another week of school. I feel slightly better about going to school, because it means I get to see Mike again. But the issue of having to see and be bullied by Adam is still around, so I guess school still won't be getting much better for me yet.
The bruise that my dad had left on my cheek had mostly faded over the weekend, only leaving a slighly yellow tinge around my eye, but I just had to hope that Mike wouldn't notice.

After throwing on some clothes and getting myself ready for the day, I grabbed my bag and started making my way to school. Reaching the school gates, I saw Mike standing alone by the bike sheds, probably waiting for classes to start. A few weeks ago I would've put my head down and walked as fast as I could if I had seen Mike hanging around at school, but now I have to remind myself that I should go up and say hi.

"Hey." I say quietly as I approch Mike with a smile.
His head looks up to see who was talking to him and immidetly a grin appears on his face. "Oh, hey Tony!"
Mike's smile falters slightly as I see him looking at the bruising around my eye. Shit, I knew I shouldn't have come in today, it was too risky. I put my head down and hope he doesn't say anything about it.

"Has something happened to your face?"

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