Chapter 21

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Tony's POV

After what felt like hours of kissing Mike, I finally decided to take a stand and pushed away, disconnecting our lips as I stood up.

"We can't just keep doing this." I said with a sudden surge of confidence. "We both know what's going to happen now, I'll go home, you'll regret this and you'll never want to talk to me again. Please, Mike, I don't want to lose you. If you're not comfortable with this, then don't do it. We can just stay friends."

Mike looked up at me with a slight sad puppy look, making me feel immediately bad about my outburst.

"But Tony, what if I was comfortable with this?" He started, reaching his hand out to hold mine, pulling me back down to sit with him. "I mean, I was just scared and confused the other day. But, I've been thinking about it, and I think, maybe, this is right. I think I want to be with you."

I stared at him for a few moments, not knowing whether or not he was being serious.
"So, what you're saying is- you want to be my- you want me to be your...boyfriend?" I checked with him, speaking quietly when saying the word 'boyfriend', worried it would put him off or if I had the wrong idea.

Mike's lips pulled into a smile as he looked at me, before reaching his hand out to brush some of my messy hair out of my eyes. "Yes, Tony... if you want to? Would you be my boyfriend?" He asked, biting his lip to stop him from grinning and he moved his hand to connect with mine.

"Of course" I beamed, leaning forwards to kiss Mike's lips, before he returned the favour and planted small kisses on my cheeks.


Mike and I had spent about 2 hours now, cuddling and enjoying the moment that we will hopefully look back on forever. Mike has his arm draped comfortably over my shoulder as I cuddled into his chest, playing with his fingers as we held hands.

"When are you going to come out to your parents?" I asked suddenly, and possibly rudely, but I had to know.

Mike chuckled at my sudden question that broke our comfortable silence. "I'm not sure, I guess I'm going to have to do it soon. That way we can be official"

"Are you scared?" I whispered.

Mike pondered over my question for a few moments. "Yeah, I guess I am. I mean, I'm sure they'll be accepting, but I am quite worried. But whatever happens, I know I'll have you." Mike said with a smile, kissing my nose as he pulled me into a closer hug.

I was just drifting to sleep in Mikes arms when he spoke up again. "Tony, what happened earlier with your dad... that seriously can't happen again" he said hesitantly, rubbing my back in efforts not to upset me. "Please can you stay here with me? I know you can't exactly just tell your dad you're suddenly moving in with me, but, how about you sleep here tonight, and I'll try and tell my parents about us in the morning? That way they'll understand if you are round my house a lot?" He offered, clearly having planned this out during our silence.

I thought about it for a moment, wondering whether or not it would work with my dad. Surely it wouldn't matter to him if I didn't really live at home anymore, he doesn't even want me there. "...I'd love that" I replied, receiving a wide smile from Mike, kissing him one final time before falling asleep in his arms.

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