Chapter 8

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Mike's POV

So, todays the day I guess. School ends in 2 more hours, and then Tony is coming to my house. I've spent pretty much the entire day anxiously tapping my foot and watching the clock waiting for school to end. I don't know why i'm so nervous, it's not that big a deal. Besides, Tony's probably far more nervous than I am.

Johnny and Adam don't know that Tony is coming to my house tonight, and I don't intend to let them know. I've managed to avoid them the whole day, only recieving angry glares from Adam during our lessons together. Now I'm just going to have to avoid them, or atleast avoid Adam, when I walk home with Tony later- I don't even want to think about what he'll say or do to us.

A few more hours had passed of watching the clock and counting down the minutes and school had finally finished for the day. I feel myself becoming more and more nervous as I walk towards the outside of Tony's classroom where I said I'd meet him.
I turn the corner of the corridor and see Tony standing there, his head hanging down, looking at his hands as he plays with his fingers. Just as I guessed, he looks just about as nervous as I am.

"Hey." I say, bringing him out of his daydream as his head shoots up to see me.
"H-hi" He stutters, smiling slightly.
"Ready to go?" I ask, gesturing to leave the building as he happily follows beside me.

The walk to my house wasn't too bad, I suppose. We managed to stay clear of Adam, which was the biggest relief. I managed to get a slight, albeit reluctant, conversation out of Tony. We spoke about school, and I asked if he had any hobbies and he asked if I had any pets. He seemed really nervous, which was expected, but honestly quite adorable. Shit, since when did I refer to guys as 'adorable'?

"So, welcome to my house" I said to Tony as we reached my house after the short walk. Tony smiled politely and followed me indoors. As we stepped inside, Tony looked around his surroundings, his mouth slightly ajar and his eyes glistening. Alright, my house isn't that nice, is he thinking it's really bad? I told my mum we should've tidied more.
"Wow, your house is so nice" Tony complimented, a shy smile on his face as he finally took his eyes away from the hallway and looked back at me.

"You must be Tony!" I heard my mum call as she skipped into the hallway, shaking his hand and probably scaring him a bit in the process. He muttered a polite hello as she started questioning him about what we were going to have for dinner and whether or not he was okay with it.
After a painful few minutes of my mum over-excitedly greeting our nervous guest, I managed to get Tony away from her and bring him up to my bedroom.

"So, do you want to play playstation?" I asked, and Tony's face lit up like a childs, only making my smile grow wider.
We spent the rest of the day playing on the playstation and watching TV, and I think Tony managed to loosen up a bit around me as the day went on. I hope he was having a good time, because I know I was. He seemed to enjoy dinner, despite the fact he had to endure an awkward conversation with my mother the whole time.

"You sure you're okay getting home?" I ask once again as Tony stands by my front door when it's time for him to leave.
"Yeah, it's only a short walk, I'll be fine"
"Okay, well, thanks for coming today, I hope we can do this again some time"
"Yeah, that'd be good. Thanks for today, I had a great time." Tony smiles. He slips on his shoes and we say our goodbyes as he leaves.

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