Chapter 1

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Tony's POV

Walking through the corridors of school on my way towards my locker before I finally leave for the day, I keep my jacket hood up and my head down as low as physically possible as an attempt to make myself somewhat invisible.

It's completely stupid, I know. I'm scared to walk the corridors of my school. It's pathetic, really. But knowing that it's stupid doesn't actually help the fear, it just makes my heart beat twice as fast and hard because it's now having to deal with 2 issues. 1. the fear that every corner I turn I will be faced with the 3 people that find entertainment in making me feel like shit, and 2. the thought of how embarrassingly stupid I look right now with my chin pressed against my chest in effort to keep my head down and my hood up covering my face despite the fact I'm inside right now and it's not even raining outside.

Amazingly, I manage to make my way to my locker without bumping into the 3 Arseholes. The "3 Arseholes" are a trio of, well, arseholes. There's Johnny and Mike, who act like sheep to the 'leader' of the 3, Adam.
I'm pretty sure the three of them were placed on the earth to make my life a living hell.
I guess I'm just an easy target, really. It's not like I have any proper friends that would stick up for me, and I can't even stand up for myself.
They make fun of my hair, my sexuality, my music taste, my clothing- pretty much every aspect of me.
And I can't ask for help. It'll only make it worse. They'll just find out and then make fun of me for going to someone rather than fighting my own battles. And I can't tell my parents because the one parent I do have, my dad, quite honestly could not give less of a shit.

After fumbling around in my bag for a while trying to find my locker key, I push the key in the lock and manage to get out what I need and I'm ready to go home. But just as I thought I'd actually made it out safely without any run-ins with the 3, I'm proven wrong. I knew it'd be too good to be true.

A/N: hi, to anyone that's actually reading this! This is my first fanfic, it's a perrentes high school fic that I got the idea for quite a while ago but never actually got around to writing. I don't really know how this will turn out considering I've never really written a fic before but hopefully it'll go okay. Also, I've written this first chapter at 6am and I haven't slept all night. I'm 100% sure it's going to make no sense and be absolutely shit but whatever, I'm trying.

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