Chapter 9

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Tony's POV

I got home that evening and for the first time in a very long time, I actually felt happy. I managed to get inside the house and straight into my bedroom without bumping into my dad, so at least the end of a good day wasn't ruined by him.
I had a really great time with Mike, I mean there were a few uncomfortable silences where neither of us knew what exactly to say to each other, but he turned out to be a completely different guy to who I thought he was just a few weeks ago when he bullied me everyday. He was sweet, and actually cared about how I was. He always asked what I wanted to do and what I wanted to watch on TV and kept trying to make sure I was having fun and- oh god I should stop- the last thing I want is to develop some sort of creepy crush on him because that'd just freak him out and I'd be back at square one.
But seriously- I'm just happy he was being serious about trying to make things up to me after how he's been to me in the past, and I really hope we can be friends.
And not to mention the meal his mother made, as well as feeling happy for the first time in ages, that's the first time in a while I've had a proper dinner.

Suddenly, I hear a knock on my door and my entire body tenses. Before I can even think about opening it, the door is thrown open, crashing against the wall as my father stands in the doorway.

"Where the fuck have you been?" He immediately starts yelling and I cringe as he steps closer. "You were meant to clean the fucking house and you weren't here."
"Dad, I'm sorry, I'll clean it now" I try to back away and do what he wanted but it was no use, I couldn't escape his fist in time as it came shooting down towards my face, hitting me directly in the cheek bone.
And with that, he leaves my room, slamming the door behind him as I'm left laying on the floor with my hand on my bruising cheek. Turns out my dad did manage to ruin the end of a good day.

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