Rambling at work

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I'm sitting at work, bored.
I don't know what I should do on my break. I have another half hour, and I've been reading my book all morning so I need a little break.
I'm not supposed to be on my phone. I'm so rebellious >:)
Today has been a good day. I actually like working 8am-12. It stinks waking up, but once I'm out of bed I'm ready to go. It's nice to start my day off by actually doing something as opposed to the days when I sleep in late.
It's snowing outside. I like snow, but I'm not looking forward to driving in it. I have a lot of places I have to go today so I hope it stops soon.
Yesterday when I was working, a lady was here with her two twin boys. They were adorable. One of them hurt his finger and it started to bleed, and I tried to dab it up before I put a bandaid on. The mom got impatient and sucked the blood off his finger instead. My stomach was upset for a while after that. She was a really nice lady though. She had a Swedish accent.
I like talking about my life. This is making the time go by a little faster.
I'm getting my hair highlighted later today. I'm a little nervous. I've been trying to grow my hair out because it was really damaged from me straightening it all the time in high school and dying it. My roots have grown in quite a bit now. I'm excited for it all to be one color.
I've been thinking a lot about working lately. I think I'm going to need a job when I go back to school. I need to start looking online when I get home. I wish my school would appreciate me more and give me more money. They're so lucky to have me.
I'm spying on my co worker. He looks bored too. There's only a few people in the pool. Hopefully it'll be empty in a little bit when I have to rotate so I can read some more.
I kinda want to go home and write. I haven't been able to find inspiration or motivation to write in a while, but lately I've been feeling the urge to continue one of my stories. Hopefully I won't be lazy and I'll actually do it.
I still have a few weeks before I go back to school. I'm really enjoying my break, but I also really want to go back. I miss hanging out with my friends every day.
I thought my co worker was going to jump in for a rescue. Now I'm very awake!
I think I'm going to read now.
This is probably my most random random thoughts that I've ever done.
Until next time! :)

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