Update- I'm Cold!

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The title says it all. My hands are really cold! I'm wearing my pajama pants, fuzzy socks, and my baggy sweatshirt so I don't have much to complain about right now besides the fact that a pair of mittens might make me feel a bit more complete.

Sorry I haven't written in so long! My laptop has a broken cord or something so I haven't been able to access the Internet on it for months :( I have all my other stories on there as well so that's why I haven't really written on anything. Plus I've been busy driving back and forth between my friends house and my mom's house to go to school during the week, then hockey and work on the weekends.

I don't think I ever really talked about my job on here! I know I wrote about wanting a lifeguarding job in one or two of my chapters but I don't think I ever said if I got it or not. Well, I did! I've been working at the waterpark for a little over three months now and I absolutely love it! I did swimming lessons for a few weeks along with guarding (I went a few weeks doing 12 hour shifts on Saturdays... I learned my lesson there!) but I quit the swimming lessons because it was too time consuming for me. I want to be able to spend some time with my mom and brother on the weekends instead of working my butt off. I really did like doing swimming lessons though. Little kids are crazy, but they're really funny! I liked helping teach them but I like guarding a lot more. I love messing around and being immature! The other guards are almost as bad as me! My job is so fun!

School has been going really well too. I love this school! My old school can SUCK IT!! I went to a hockey game last weekend and it was the first time I had seen any of the people I used to go to that school with. Seeing all the school colors and hearing all the chants made me actually really miss it for  a minute. But then I went and found a seat and I heard what people were saying and how obnoxious and rude they were being, and that reminded me exactly why I left. It makes me appreciate my current school even more, and makes me so grateful that I have this opportunity to go there. I can't stand it when people that have gone there their whole lives complain about how horrible it is, because the truth is, that's the best it's going to get. I'll admit I was one of those people that complained before I moved, but once I did I realized how much I had lost. Now I'm determined to make every second here count, and I'm not taking any of it for granted. That move taught me that you really, truly don't know what you have until you completely lose it. So don't take anything for granted in your life! (Is it just me, or have I been fitting little inspirational speeches into my random thoughts lately? I'm sorry I don't normally like corny things. I'll try to stop that.)

Let's get back on track now. I have to go to the bathroom. I popped a pimple earlier and it made part of my face turn purple. I'm not going to do that anymore. I need to put lotion on my face. It's been really dry lately. At the hockey game my brother decided to send me a picture of a girl he had on his phone (yes, it was a nudey). I kinda freaked out a lot and told him to delete it. Of course he  put it as my phone background instead, so I had to delete it myself. Then his friends thought it would be funny if they repeatedly sent me the same picture (it's of a girl in their school... go figure) so I put my phone away and wouldn't look at it until the game was over. Our team lost 1-0. It was upsetting because they were doing really well and it was against our biggest rival (I may hate my old school, but I LOVE the hockey team! I still play hockey for them so I am still a huge fan). Oh, well. Maybe next year!

Mallory and I shoveled her driveway today. It snowed a ton, and we shoveled the entire driveway. It was painful for my back, but I felt very productive. I noticed that Mallory and I grunt more than tennis players when we shovel. We're so cool!

So I heard from one of my friends that my stalker might be getting fired from work. That means he might be getting his lifeguarding license pulled, and he would have the option of going through extra training, or quitting. Is it bad that I really hope he quits? No, I don't think it is. PLEASE QUIT!!!!!!!!!!!!

This was a really bad random thought. I'm sorry about that. I'll try to write in here more often. Give me time, and I'll get back into my usual rhythm! For now, I'm going to go read some stories on here, and wait for my IPod to finish charging so I can keep watching One Tree Hill and get back into bed and under my heated blanket!

Until next time! :)

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