I Love Wattpad Users (Plus A Small Thank-You)

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When I first started getting comments on my story, Silent Angel, I was shocked at how nice they all were. Even now, after I've gotten over 150 comments (not sure what the calculation would be without my responses, so I'm just guessing) , not one of them has been negative. Every time I get a new notification that someone has commented, my stomach always drops and I think "This one is going to be negative. This person is going to hate it, and say something really mean." Thankfully, that has never happened :) I read every single comment, and every single one on there has made me feel like I can do anything in the world.

So, that being said, I absolutely love people on Wattpad. I have a huge, HUGE vengeance toward people who are mean for no reason, and thankfully I have not encountered anyone of the sort on this website. I hope I never will encounter anyone mean, and at this rate I'm starting to believe I never will (Knock on wood!).

If you are reading this now, please, pat yourself on the back for being such a good person! First for being so nice, and second, for putting up with my random babbling. I honestly salute you for your support and kindness!

I would say so much more, but I would begin to repeat myself and waste your time. So, in a nutshell, thank you so much for being so supportive of me, and everyone else on Wattpad! Everyone loves a nice comment, and sometimes that is all it takes to motivate someone to do something wonderful.

Thanks for reading! Have a great day! :)

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