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It's been two years since Jada's death. The night of her death, Zola, Sonny, and I, took our parents camping for the weekend at Jada's favorite camping site to break the news to them. At first it was just a lot of small talk between me and mom. We had to try our best to fight back our tears while we talked. Sonny ended up having a few slip ups and eventually mom suspected something was wrong and demanded we tell her.

So I had to tell her that not only were all four of her children secretly supernatural beings, but I also had to tell her that Jada was mauled to death by a lycan. At first she was furious with me and told me she didn't find my stupid jokes funny, but when Sonny could no longer fight back the tears and began to sob uncontrollably....... she knew I was telling the truth. We had to show them about us being supernatural beings before they would believe us. After they accepted the bitter truth on everything, we spent the rest of the weekend just talking and crying. We each ended up explaining our stories of how we became supernatural beings and our life all the way up to this point. Sonny told his and Jada's story. Zola's was short and simple. Mine on the other hand was a little more complicated. I told them everything, starting with the night I found out I was a werewolf to the moment where I watched as my sister was mauled to death by Samuel, right before I was killed and came back as a hybrid.

After the weekend was over, my parents wanted to go and see Jada's grave. We brought them back to the pack house where they got to meet the whole pack and then we made our way to the graves. They broke down once they seen Jada's grave. I guess seeing the grave in person made it so much more real to them. They went back to their house afterwards. They couldn't bare being there with us anyway, it just hurts too much at the moment. We understood completely. It was painful for us to be there as well but this was also our home and we couldn't just pack up and leave it all behind.

I struggled with being a hybrid just as I did when I first became a werewolf, but this time I didn't go off the deepend and try to kill myself. This time I had Elijah by myside every step of the way. I should've let him help me during the first time, but I was too stubborn to do so. He didn't let me feel like a monster, and he wouldn't let me hate myself. Everytime I shifted into my wolf form...... I missed her. I missed hearing my wolf's heart beat and her breathing. I missed how empowered she made me feel. I even missed how she always put her annoying opinions in about everything, even when I didn't want them. It's funny, sometimes the things you hated someone when they were  alive, are the things you miss the most when they're gone.

I also crave blood now. My urges are no where near as strong as a vampire's craving for blood, but they're still there. Just as I had to get used to being a wolf without my wolf being with me, I also had to get used to the blood cravings. Elijah and Brandie has helped me to control my blood lust. They also helped me to not have the strongest temptation to bite someone's neck when I go to hug them and not sit there and daydream of sinking my teeth into someone's neck when I'm bored in a conversation. I already knew how to hunt as a wolf, but I also had to learn how to hunt animals as a vampire so I could somewhat satisfy my new hunger.

We also graduated, but Sonny didn't show. Jada always dreamed of walking across the stage with Sonny by her side, and Sonny just didn't feel right about walking across the stage by himself. He went off the deepend for about a year and half, right after she died. Even though he couldn't get drunk, he was always drinking, and if someone said or did the slightest thing, he would go off on them. He eventually just disappeared for a few months. To this day, no one knows what happened to him or where he went, but when he came back a few weeks ago, he was like the old Sonny.

We are finally on good terms with our parents again. They come and visit us at the pack house often. Despite us keeping our secrets from them, they're very proud of us and how we choose to deal with everything. They bring fresh flowers every other week to Jada's grave...... I guess it's their way of coping with her death.

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