Chapter 7: Let's go!

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(I'm not really happy with how this chap turned out, but at least I got it written. Also sorry it's kind of short.)

-The next day-

             The six animatronics made their way through the doors of Circus Baby's pizza world once again. The building was just as they had left it, empty and dusty with a few boxes shifted around. 

"Alright we're here. Did we actually figure out what we were gonna do when we got here?" Bonnie asked looking around. "I don't know what you guys are doing but I'm going to Circus Gallery. That's what it's called right?" Goldie asked. Springtrap nodded. "I guess I'll take you there then." Springtrap said. The others nodded going their own ways. 

"I hate being a freaking suit..." Springtrap heard Goldie grumble as he dragged the bear to the room. "Aren't you psychic?" Springtrap asked. Goldie sighed. "I don't teleport on command." He answered. "Yeah, 'cause that makes sense." Springtrap stated sarcastically. Goldie rolled his pinpricks.

They were soon inside of a dark room that had it's door left open. Springtrap dropped Goldie on the ground and started searching the walls around the door for a switch. "Ow..." 

"I wish they had the switches outside the doors 'cause this is getting ridiculous... nope... nope... here's one! Wait that didn't work... nope... no..." Springtrap mumbled. "Try near the doorframe." Goldie sighed. Springtrap's hand bumped into the switch. "Screw you." Goldie chuckled.  

The spotlights turned on, revealing a red stage with lights surrounding it similar to Ballora's. Two long tables were in front of the stage. Tiny party hats with red and gold stripes on them were placed at each seat. Streamers matching the colors on the hats were strung near the ceiling. "Looks pretty straight forward." Goldie commented. 

(I kind of improvised since I'm not sure what her room looks like.)

 Springtrap walked over to the stage leaving Goldie behind. "See anything?" Goldie asked. "Nothing on the stage, I'll check the tables." Springtrap answered. 'That's disappointing.' Goldie thought trying to lift his head but failing. 

"There is nothing in here except for this notice." Springtrap said walking back over to Goldie. "Did you read it?" Goldie asked expectantly. Springtrap ignored him and started reading out loud. Goldie just sighed. 

To: our lovely movers

From: management

We fill the need to inform you that the location you will be sending our animatronics is called Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rental and it's off of 120 West Street over near our old restaurant. 

Please handle them with care, and report back to us as soon as you have them installed on their new stages. We appreciate your help, and we hope you have a wonderful day. 

                                             [Insert random company seal here]

"Welp. That was easier than we thought." Goldie exclaimed looking over the page once again. "That's only a block away from us. Let's go tell the others." Springtrap said grabbing Goldie's left foot without warning. "Again with the foot? What is with you people?!" Goldie exclaimed holding on tightly to the page in his hand. 

"I thought you didn't care." "I wouldn't if you had warned me you were gonna pull me instead of jerking me forward." Goldie grumbled as Springtrap dragged the bear out into the hall. "Anyways," Goldie glared at Springtrap. "Which room do you think they're in?" Springtrap continued. 

As if on cue, Chica came running towards them. "Springtrap, Goldie! *Pant* You guys got to come see this! *Pant*" She mustered while trying to catch her breath. "Where were you? This place isn't that big..." Goldie looked around the hallway. "What is it?" Springtrap asked. 

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