Scarred Even

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"He's a dealer. A coke dealer."

"How do you-" Kie was cut off by the man getting out of the truck with a piece of gold wrapped in Bailee's sweater.

"All right, y'all stay just like that. Unless you want your brains blown out all over this road, don't move your goddamn heads, okay?"

Everyone but Bailee watched in fear as he got into his car and set his gun down.

"B... B... Bar, Bert, Blain, Barry... Barry... Fuck!"

Bailee knew him. He'd been to her house, sat down in the office with her uncle, and then left like he was never there every few weeks. Right before he came - that's when her uncle was at his worst.

Bailee heard a grunt coming from the car, along with muffled words but no one could see what was going on because the windows were tinted. JJ started getting up with Bailee right after her as the door opened and they heard John B's voice.

"Guys! I got the gun!"

Barry got out of the car, swinging at John B and missed just as JJ grabbed him and punched his side. He grunted but threw JJ off of him to punch Bailee in the lip, throwing her balance off as she hit the side of the car hood.

Kie raced over to help with Pope, but Kie only got one hit in before she was thrown onto the ground as Sarah stood in shock, not doing anything. John B rammed the gun into Barry's back, shoving him into the dirt as Pope shouted.

"Guys! I have the gold!"

Barry was face down on his hands and knees by Sarah but didn't get a chance to get up as she slammed the car door open and hit him back down with it twice. She grunted as he fell to her feet in pain while JJ and Bailee stood back up.

Pope and Kie kicked him when Sarah closed the door shut so Barry was now groaning in pain as he sat on the dirt against the door.

"You son of a bitch!" Sarah yelled while JJ pushed his mask down.

Her assumptions were correct. Before all six sat a bruised and battered Barry.

"I know this piece of shit! He's a basehead!" JJ yelled, backing up towards Bailee.

"Probably knows my brother." Sarah fixed her hair, meaning towards John B.

"He sells coke to my dad."

"He's been at my house. Bet my uncle has a dealer on speed dial." Bailee spits and tries to wrestle herself out of Kie's hold to punch him again.

"Ay, listen I could've hurt any single one of y'all-" JJ cut Barry off by roughly grabbing the gun thrown by his feet and slamming him in the stomach with it.

"JJ!" Kie yelled, letting go of Bailee by accident.

"Dude, chill, man!" Bailee couldn't tell if John B was talking to her or JJ, but she ignored him either way.

Bailee grabbed Barry's wallet that was hanging out of his pocket while JJ kicked his ribs. The camouflage wallet opened easily and she fished out his I.D. card before throwing everything else back at him.

She grabbed JJ's arm and pulled him off of Barry to stick the card in his line of sight while JJ's heavy breaths increased. She tapped her finger on a home address and looked to JJ with what anyone else could've sworn was murder in her eyes.

JJ nodded at Bailee and placed an arm around her waist as she stuffed the card in his front pocket. John B came up to stop them, but JJ shoved his chest with rage and walked with Bailee to Twinkie.

"Hey!" John B yelled out, but the couple didn't stop.

"We've got one last stop. Let's go see where this son of a bitch lives."

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