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"Hell of a job melting this down, Dr. Frankenstein." JJ hopped out of the Twinkie in front of a Pawn Shop.

The six had spent the entire morning working on the pulley system and melting the gold after JJ and Bailee stayed the night at the Chateau. JJ and Bailee were given the task of pawning off the gold after Kie had tried, emphasis on tried, to melt the gold down.

"Like you could've done better." Kie bit back, to which she was given an eye roll.

"Can we discuss the fact that I'm the only one here that likes lighting things on fire, but wasn't allowed by the blow torch?" Bailee said as she hopped out of the van.

John B followed right after her, rolling his eyes. Before he could answer, Sarah beat him to it.

"Bails, if we handed you the blow torch then John B wouldn't have a house anymore."

Bailee grumbled, but didn't disagree with the statement. "Fine, fine. But why do JJ and I have to sell the shit off?"

"Because you and JJ are the best liars."

Pope hopped out of the van with Sarah on his trail to join the conversation. When he did, Sarah came up behind Bailee and jumped on her back, wrapping her legs around Bailee's waist.

Bailee yelped as she stabilized herself to carry Sarah's weight without toppling over.

"Sarah! What was that for?" Bailee tried to turn her head to see Sarah, who had dissolved in a fit of laughter.

"I didn't want to stand."

She shrugged, suppressing the rising giggles. Bailee didn't respond and instead started spinning in circles to make Sarah dizzy.

"Bailee! Oh my god!"

"Huh? I'm- I'm so sorry I can't hear you. Can you speak up?"

"Bail- Bailee! I give, I give!"

Bailee let a dizzy Sarah off of her back as the two giggled at each others' state, neither being able to stand too well.

JJ and John B looked at each other, back at the girls clutching their stomachs with tears almost spilling, and then back at each other.

Bailee saw the small interaction as she steadied herself and regained control over her breath. She walked over to JJ and took the piece of gold from his right hand and placed it into her left, taking his now empty hand into hers.

"Let's go, Bubba. It's pawn time."

Bailee and JJ walked into the store first hand in hand, shortly followed by Sarah, John B, Pope, and Kie.

"Good day, ma'am." JJ offered to the older lady sitting at the front desk. She didn't look up at him, still focused on the jewelry she was putting away.

"Ms. Beilorr! A pleasure, as always. Have you found that new assistant yet?"

The lady, Ms. Beliorr as Bailee called her, swiftly turned around at Bailee's voice with a smirk on her face.

"Honey. Good to see you, and no I haven't. You got any more rings for me?"

Bailee shook her head and ignored the confused looks from the five others in the store that were trying to act inconspicuous. She walked up to the counter with JJ and handed her the large piece of gold.

"Cash for gold, right?" Bailee grinned with a toothy smile.

"This ain't real."

JJ looked the laughing woman up and down and put both of his hands on her table. "That ain't real?"

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