Fire Poker

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Kiara, Bailee, and Sarah made their way through what seemed like a jungle to the creepy old home of a supposed murderer. The quietly walked up the steps to where Bailee had seen originally. Sure enough, the power box was open and couldn't be used from the outside, just like Bailee said.

Her flashlight flickers slightly, the light going off. Bailee slammed her palm against the plastic which relit the bulb for the most part. Bailee looked to Kie and Sarah who were looking at the box.

"You were right. We can't use it from out here." Kie said in a hushed tone.

"For once, I hate that I'm right," Bailee mumbled to herself. The flashlight flickered again before Bailee smacked the side of it once again.

"How the hell are we gonna do this now?" Sarah asked quietly, turned to Kie for an answer. When Kie shrugged, Sarah turned to Bailee.

Bailee could see the panic settling inside Sarah's eyes, resting there as her eyes widened when Bailee paused for a moment. She took a short few moments to collect herself and her thoughts before answering Sarah.

"We gotta follow the chord until it's inside. It should take us to the actual switches." Bailee whispered, nodding her head in the direction of where the girls needed to go.

Bailee started walking with Sarah and Kie close behind her. She turned back to them when they got to the door, breathing heavily. Her hand, without the a-okay from her mind, reached out and turned the door handle.

The wooden door popped open almost silently, cueing Bailee to keep going and step inside the house. Bailee turned off her flashlight as she looked around, Sarah's now being the only light. Kie looked up at the ceiling and pointed to a pole running across it.

They walked slowly and followed the pole as each heart raced. Out of nowhere, a cat yowled loudly right below Kie's feet. The three paused for a moment, but after hearing no movement by anyone in the house, they continued.

"Hey," Kie whispered. Bailee and Sarah looked to her and then to the pole leading through a wall.

"Yeah, okay." Sarah nodded frantically, shining a bright light on the spot where the metal disappeared as they walked closer.

They turned the corner and were met with a large electrical box, making everyone silently cheer. Bailee smiled at Kie, who was adjusting her cap, before getting closer to the circuits.

"All right. Okay."

Bailee shook her hands before delicately pressing on the switch that was marker 'SECURITY', trying to slowly move it with as little noise as possible. The switch clicked halfway, making Sarah jump a bit before Bailee fully pushed on the switch and turned the sensor lights off.

Before the girls could move, the old clock struck ten, and a loud church sounding bell began to go off. Bailee pressed her back to the wall as Kie and Sarah froze.

"Please don't be a Shining moment. Please don't be a Shining moment." Bailee closed her eyes, waiting for the bells to stop and see if there were any footprints. A cane-like sound hit the floor above them with a large wheezing sound just as the clock stopped.

Kie looked at Sarah as the sound grew closer and they realized it was Mrs. Crain walking down the steps. That's when it fully hit Bailee - they were in an ax murder's house with nothing to defend themselves besides two handheld flashlights.

"Shit. It's gonna be like the Psycho stairs scene." Bailee whispered to herself before Kie slapped a hand over her mouth covered by the bandana and the other hand over her own to stop her from letting out a scream.

"It's- It's late, Leon." A woman's voice spoke from around the corner. She coughed and the voice became raspy, almost straight out of a cheesy horror film. "Too late."

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