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"Hey John B! We gotta go by the docks to pick up, remember?" JJ yelled into the Chateau as John B rushed out of the living room and onto the porch with the keys to his car shoved into the right pocket of his horrid khakis.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm coming. Why couldn't you have just gone?" John B sighed and stepped into the Twinkie with JJ already in the passenger seat.

It was the beginning of summer and two out of the four friends were headed to the ferry docks. JJ had insisted that John B went with him for reasons he didn't explain. JJ instead talked about a dude who apparently had this brand new pro wax for his surfboard.

"He's only selling this wax for twenty bucks! It's gotta be good if it's pro. Plus, this is the guy who sold me my first surfboard. I can mostly trust him not to rip me off, you know? I feel like we've got like this trust-" JJ explained before John B cut him off.

"That's the reason you woke me up at 10 am? A new wax for your board- you've got to be kidding with me man. And I thought you got your board from the local shop?" John B questioned, thinking of the sleep he could be getting right now. JJ shook his head quickly, sitting up in his seat at they neared their destination.

"No, no- that's not the reason. I'll owe you a beer when we get back. If you get lucky, maybe a cute new tourist will be on the same ferry as her when we go." JJ shoved John B's shoulder and laughed.

"Her? You got another cousin visiting or some shit?" John B parked close to the docks before getting out of the van and walking to where the ferry would be getting off. The first thing they spotted was Officer Shoupe waiting by the ferry exit.

"JJ, are you deaf, man? Why aren't you telling me why we're here?" John B looked at JJ, who was staring at the ferry coming in. He started to get a small smile stuck to his lips. "JJ?"

There was no response from the boy who was looking at the boat, more specifically, at two of the passengers.

"There she is." JJ didn't take his eyes off of the Kook when John B turned to look. Sure enough, Bailee Walker was on the boat in all of her disheveled glory.

Bailee Walker was addictive, there was no doubt about that. Like a crackling fire, she sparked with colorful flames. It was almost as if she was glowing with positivity and strength in the sunlight. No one could deny that they had even the slightest crush on the girl at one point in time - no matter the gender. Not even Kiara could say she didn't think the girl was attractive, even though she hated Kooks with a passion.

Bailee got up once the ferry stopped, only to be dragged just enough by the cop after obtaining her bag from under the seat that she almost stumbled while walking.


"Is she in handcuffs?" John B spotted the tight metal the girl was sporting, but was still not given a response.

"Can you stop dragging me for one second? I can in fact walk, thanks. I'd appreciate your hands off of me, the escorts from the police station from here was lovely, truly, but I'm gonna take my leave now."

Bailee continued her torment against the annoyed cop as JJ stared. He and Bailee had always gotten along the summers that she was here; she was the only Kook he could stand. Well, besides Kiara.

Whenever JJ didn't want to bother John B at the Chateau after a fight with his dad, he'd go to Bailee's and sneak into her window. After their first encounter a few years ago, JJ had always gone to her when the Pogues were busy, and even some nights when they weren't.

Kie, Pope, and John B knew that JJ worked for her aunt, but they hadn't heard the whole story. For once in his life, JJ kept something to himself from the Pogues.

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