Lauren In College

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"Alright, keep a lookout. We're behind enemy lines." JJ said as John B parked the van in front of a 4-star hotel on Kook territory. Pope and Kie sat in the back as JJ grabbed the gun from the holder.

"Yo, come on, man. Just put it back." John B stops the engine and takes JJ's gun from his hands while the other two climb out of the back.

"What?" JJ smirks, playing with the safety switch on the weapon. Pope leans on JJ's window, looking at the hotel. "You can never be too careful."

"Hey, I predict that bringing a weapon into a 4-star hotel will likely cause more problems than it solves," Pope says to JJ, who ignores his warning and continues playing with the switch.

"I swear to god I'm going to throw that thing into the ocean, JJ. Put it back." Kie comes up from behind him while John B grabs the gun and shoves it into the barely stable glove box.

"You can't grab a gun like that." JJ reaches for his pass and opens the door, almost hitting Pope while doing so. "Can't forget my pass. Professional busboy."

John B puts on his backpack and follows the three into the hotel as Pope speaks up. "So, where are we going now? And where's Bailee?"

JJ turns around and starts walking backwards to face Pope. "We're getting on the internet because only rich people have electricity right now. Bailee's supposed to meet us at the entrance. She called in a favor from somebody. This way!"

JJ guides the group into the backway they have for the staff members so that the hotel members can't see what's going on behind the scenes. He walks into the kitchen, the others following.

"Andrew! What's up, bro?" JJ was confident near the staff, treating them like old friends saying hello to most people. "Mama L, good to see you."

JJ reaches for a piece of pineapple on a large place of food, which the Pogues were staring at hungrily. Mama L smacks his hand with a spoon as he carries on through the people and walks out the exit.

"See, they got the backup generators going? Kooks don't miss a beat. We just gotta wait for Bailee to show, now."

"Thanks, Summer! Say hey to the wife for me, okay?" Bailee yells just as she walks away from a middle-aged woman with a key in her hand. JJ turns to the girl, raising a peace sign in the air.

"Hey babes, how we doing?" Bailee holds you a shiny metal key. "This way to the world of bikini models, m'lady and gentlemen."

"I still don't see why we couldn't have just gone to your place, you've got a generator too, ya know?' JJ jogs to catch up with the girl that has Kie at her side.

"Oh, foolish one. My place is by Cameron's place. Do you really think I want to see Rafe today? No, I didn't think so. Plus, I had to stop by and talk to Mrs. Nitely anyway." Bailee continues walking until they reach a locked metal door. Bailee slips the silver key in the lock and opens the door, revealing a large computer.

"The internet, oh how I've missed you." Pope rushes to sit down by the computer as John B shuts the door.

"Sweet! Gotta check out Bailee's Instagram post." JJ smirks as the other four surround Pope and the computer. John B takes out the map with the coordinates, setting it on the table.

"Coordinates please?' Pope asks while he types Earth Search into the search bar.

"34°57'30" north. 75°55'42" west." John B read aloud the black marker on the map, which Pope was able to find in a few seconds.

The screen moves the digital globe to a continental shelf by the Outer Banks.

"Okay, boom. Continental shelf right there." John B points to the red marker on the screen before Pope slaps his hand away.

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