Chapter 4 ~ The Weasleys

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Yup. Just like last time, indeed. Oh, wait, I never elaborated on what happened the last time he saved my arse. Turned out that he actually cared about me just a little bit. But that care was very little. I wasn't going to go into detail on what happened, but let's just say at that time it was a close one. Even for Malfoy himself.

I went back to my room and found Harry standing on the bed just ready to attack someone. Looked like he didn't notice it was wet. I started to ask him what he was doing. But all of a sudden, I jumped when I saw a book that looked like a monster coming after me, ready to attack me. I started walking backwards, but tripped over my trunk. Harry stepped on the book with his foot, strapped it back up, and put it back with his school stuff.

I looked at him like he was crazy. "What was that?!"

"The Monster Book of Monsters. For Hagrid's class."

I rolled my eyes at him and noticed our trunks were right at the door. I was wondering how I managed to trip over my stuff.

I looked at them in confusion. "Why is our stuff right by the door?" I asked him.

"Oh, didn't you hear? Ron and his family are picking us up tomorrow."

I sighed. Ahh, the Weasleys. They were always fun to be around. Harry helped me up and I plopped onto the bed like I did before we left the room. I couldn't help but think about what Malfoy did. It was a bit shocking. But it didn't make sense. Why would he want to save me? Me. I didn't like the boy, and he sure as hell didn't like me. I was thinking about telling Harry, but I decided not to just in case he went off on me. But I did know one person I could tell: Hermione.

Harry started playing with his wand, looking bored to death. He was clearly ready to leave here and go to Hogwarts. He looked at me and gave me a weak smile. I went over to him on the floor and sat beside him.

"So, what exactly happened at the Dursleys?" I asked him with a grin.

He started off the story by saying how he wanted Uncle Vernon to sign his permission form for the trips to Hogsmeade this year. Then, he told me what happened that night at dinner and how Aunt Marge started insulting our parents and how he blew her up. So, he ran away, just like I did.

"He never signed it, did he?" I asked him, talking about the permission form.

He shook his head, "I knew he wouldn't. So, I guess I can't go to Hogsmeade this year."

"Yeah, same for me." Of course, it was no surprise that Lucius Malfoy wouldn't sign my permission form. He hated me, duh. At least I'd have Harry suffer with me.

"So, what happened to you after we left the room?" I asked him.

"Nothing, really. It was a dead end, so I just came back here and got bored. You?"

Oh, shit"Malfoy and his father came by for a lovely visit," I told him. "I'm fine, though, it's not a big deal."

"I was just assuming you were fine. I didn't get any feeling that something bad was happening to you. He didn't hurt you, did he?" I shook my head. "Good. You know what I would've done to him."

I obviously didn't tell him the part where he fell on top of me, or how he felt bad for me and let me off the hook again. It was something that Harry didn't need to get mad over, to be honest. Plus, he would for sure get the wrong idea.

I changed into my grey sweatpants and an old, baggy shirt Harry had given to me. We both got in the bed, shivering from the cold. Even though the bed was warm, I was still cold. Harry rubbed my shoulder with his warm hand. After an hour, I finally drifted off to sleep.


I woke up the next morning to the sound of two voices coming from outside our room. They were yelling at each other. Something about a rat and a cat? What did people argue about these days?

I got out of bed, putting my ear against the door to hear the conversation. Of course, it was Ron and Hermione. I silently giggled at their yelling and insults until I heard Ron say, "Harry!"

Harry? When did he leave, let alone wake up? I saw his trunks were still in here, but where would he go this early in the morning? I heard Ron ask where I was at and Harry told him I was still sleeping. That's when I opened the door to see them standing there wide-eyed.

"Max!" Hermione put her cat down long enough to give me a hug. Ron gave me a quick wave and we all stood there with nothing left to say.

"Ron! Come down here now!" Mrs. Weasley yelled from down below. We all followed Ron down the steps and saw the others sitting down at a long table that I was pretty sure wasn't there before. Everyone was there, smiling at us. Fred, George, Percy, Ginny, and Mr. Weasley. Everyone gave us a tight hug, especially Mrs. Weasley when she saw the black eye and the red mark on my face.

She gave me a worried look, "Oh, dear! Are you alright? What happened to you? Was it that awful cousin of yours?"

Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention that no one knew about me living with the Malfoys other than Harry and Dumbledore. We all thought it was best for them not to know about it. But sooner or later, they would find out. But for now, I was keeping my mouth shut.

"Mrs. Weasley, I'm fine, really." I gave her a weak smile.

She didn't look convinced, but she changed the subject and asked me about my stuff, making sure I had everything. I told her yes and she finally gave me a smile and left to see Harry.

I sat down at the table where Harry, Ron, and Hermione were at as they were talking about something. It had something to do with Harry and me, that's for sure. But what bad thing could possibly happen to us this year? Well, that was a mystery.

We all talked for a few minutes and made fun of Ron and Hermione while they were arguing again until Mr. Weasley came to get Harry to talk to him about something. Harry and Mr. Weasley started talking against the wall and to be quite honest, Mr. Weasley looked serious for once. Whatever it was about, it must've been something important. Something that I didn't need to know about.

But umm, HELLO? Didn't I survive one of the darkest wizards of all time, too? Did I not get any kind of sympathy or attention like Harry? Seriously, we were TWINS for crying out loud.

Harry was practically my best friend. We told each other everything. Well, except for the thing with Malfoy, but other than that, we told each other everything. If anything happened to him, I didn't know what I would do. He probably felt the same way if anything happened to me.

I looked over at Mr. Weasley and Harry still talking. Harry had a worried look on his face. I was starting to get worried, too. Because if their conversation was about him, it was also about me.

Mrs. Weasley told me and Harry to go back up and get our stuff so we could leave to get on the train to go back to Hogwarts. Before I went back up, I whispered to Hermione, "I need to tell you something important." I figured it was best to tell her something about what did.

Okay, so, I needed to get it off my chest. Besides, I could trust Hermione. But then, I overheard Harry tell her and Ron the exact same thing. Then he whispered it to me. Well, at least he wasn't leaving me out.


I had my stuff on a cart, along with Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, Percy, and Ginny. We all went through the wall that led us to the platform and saw the beautiful Hogwarts Express.

"Hey." Harry nudged me as we got our trunks on the train. "Mr. Weasley was asking about you, making sure you were okay. I guess Mrs. Weasley expressed some concern, but I told him that you were fine and I would handle it."

I gave him a small smile. "Thanks, bro."

We watched as other students bid goodbye to their parents. I recognized familiar faces: Neville Longbottom, Dean Thomas, Pansy Parkinson (ew), and oh...Malfoy.

He was kissing his mother goodbye and looked at his father with a serious nod. Whatever he said, Dra-- MALFOY, nodded and headed on the train with pug-faced Parkinson. Lucius' eyes met mine, giving me a glare.

Before I went behind the door, I looked at him, smirked, and gave him the finger.

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