Chapter 13 ~ Discovered While Discovering

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I was planning to sleep well that night. After what happened today, I was really hoping to get more than fifteen minutes of sleep, because it seemed like I got that much sleep every night. But of course, I was wrong. But it wasn't from nightmares this time.

It was from the sound of Harry's voice. "Max, wake up." He shook me until I finally sat up, facing him.

"Harry, what are you doing here? This is the Girls' Dorm!" I said in a loud whisper.

"This is important. Look who's on the Marauder's Map." Harry gave me the map and looked at the footprints that were walking down the corridors. Peter Pettigrew. The man that was supposedly dead and all that was left of him was a finger. If Peter was said to be dead, then why was he walking around Hogwarts?

"Harry, are you sure the map isn't being stupid and just lying to you?"

Harry shook his head. "The map never lies, Max. Come on, let's go find him."

I widened my eyes at him. "Are you crazy?! We're not supposed to be out of bed and we might get killed if we go find him!"

"Oh, come on, Max! Don't you wanna know who he is and why he's here? I know you're curious to find out something, aren't you?"

He had a point. I was curious, but I didn't want to get caught out of bed at one in the morning. Also, what if we got killed? Peter Pettigrew was bad news. But Harry didn't see that. He never thought anything through before he did something. Well, actually, I didn't really think things through either. Ugh, damn Merlin for making us twins.

He raised his eyebrows at me and gave me a grin. "Well?"

I huffed a sigh and shook my head. "Fine. Meet me downstairs."

He grinned while leaving the room, closing the door quietly. If we got caught, I was going to kill him myself. It would spare Sirius Black the time, anyway. Then, he'd just have to deal with me.


We left the Gryffindor Tower without waking anyone up, thank Merlin. If anyone caught us sneaking out, who knew what would happen to us. We could be expelled, which I didn't want that to happen, because Hogwarts was my true home to me. And if that was taken away from me, I didn't know what I would do.

"Lumos," we said at the same time and our wands lit up. We were both looking down at the map, following Peter's footprints. He was cutting the corner that we were almost at. We shined our wands at the wall.

"Put that light out!" A painting said. Did I just really get yelled at by a painting? Well, that was magic for you.

"Sorry," we muttered.

We were still following Peter on the map, but we had no luck seeing him in person. By that time, even more paintings yelled at us because of the light. Seriously, did paintings really need sleep? Weren't they already dead? Was I really working myself up over talking paintings? No, I was not. Okay, back to looking for Peter Pettigrew.

So, we were still looking for him when something on the map caught my eye. Peter Pettigrew turned around and was heading straight for us. Harry looked both ways, but he saw no one and heard no one coming. I knew it. The map was lying this whole time. Damn Fred and George for giving us this map! I was going to kill them both whenever I saw them.

Peter was getting closer to us. At this point, we were both freaking out, but neither of us were showing it. Even though I thought the map was lying, there was a part of me where I thought the map wasn't lying. Oh, shit. We were gonna die. Was I overreacting? Just a little? Yeah, I thought so, too.

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