Chapter 4- What is Bad?

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I woke up with my body in a curl and started yawning as if showing off my teeth something I never did before in my life. Groggily I uncurled myself I felt a mild pain but that was it. I looked around my room.. wait my room? that's when the events from yesterday hit me and I felt my whole face heat up I could'nt go back there I was probably being called a lunatic for that little incident who am I kidding 'little' is a understatement. I needed someone.. I needed Morret.

"Mom" funny how I could'nt even be mad at her for not being my real mother.


I got up for some reason my legs felt wobbly but that was probably because I was tired or hungry, How long was I asleep? and why wasn't Morret coming when I called her? was she not home? impossible even when I had a small cold she came home from her job right away and stayed with me until I lied and said I was fine. I made my way down stairs to the kitchen shaking off the weird feeling that I was'nt really walking.

"Hey you look good"

I jumped, startled that such a deep strong voice came from Morret.. wait what?

I looked up to see... Luke?

"Help!!! Rape!!"

I instantly ran up stairs passing my room and heading straight to Morret's room a voice shouted down stairs saying 'you do NOT want to go in there!' I ignored Luke he broke into the house and I should listen to him? I turned the door knob to Morrets room and saw a sight that I nearly had a heart attack over.

"Yes right their!"

"Mm right here?"



My eyes where frozen on the scene in front of me.

Morret was on top of Lana.... their legs were open and they were stark naked... was it me or was my mom's teeth longer than usual? not to mention Lana was hairier.

I felt arms wrap around me and pull me out of the room and close the door. I silently thanked the person that held onto me all my weight sagged onto that person. I heard a deep chuckle.

"I'm sorry you had to see that Little Wolf but before you go into shock you have to see something"

"Luke" I whispered


"No more.. please take me" I trailed off unsure off were I wanted to go

I was right I needed Luke more than ever my body hurt, I was walking irregular, my senses were on over drive.

"Promise me something" Luke said

I cocked my head to the side in questioning as he carried me.. Who cares where? anywhere was better than Morrets room.

"Never say to 'take me' unless your fully ready for my dick" Luke whispered

My face erupted into red flames I was yanked back into reality what was he doing in my house anyways? was I that stupid to forget who I was running away from in the first place? Three words came to my mind as I started thrashing around.

Your a Fool

Had he no shame? to say something like that with seriousness in his face was amazing he had a gift I would give him that.

"Stop moving or else i'll have to put you to sleep your claws are cutting into my skin"

I stopped moving instantly.


I was dropped onto something fluffy and quickly looked around, it was my room.

"What do you mean by claws?"

Luke walked into my bathroom, I heard steel bolts protesting as though they were being... pulled out? impossible I chuckled harshly what I saw in Morret's room defied the word impossible.

"See for yourself what I mean about claws.. though I been expected you to shift on your birthday, not today"

I looked to see he was holding a very big and familiar mirror

"Is that my mirror?!"

"relax and look, like a bitch on her period sheesh"

My face wrinkled into a mask of disgust and anger, he did not just say that did he? EW

I chose to ignore that comment and look in the mirror instead, my mouth opening how could I not have notice this before was this even me?

My skin seemed tan but tannish red seemed to describe it better different from my usually pale looks, My black hair was still black but it also had amber-red flecks in it. I looked down at my hands they had long claws and so did my feet. I looked into my eyes that seem to be fire, no it WAS fire, I opened my mouth to see two long teeth being bared.

"What am I?" I heard myself saying

"My personal sex killing monster everyone in hell would kill each other just to LOOK at you"

I stared at myself in horror.

"That's the reason I gave you to Morret and sent you up here until you could become strong enough to protect yourself, Morret is a vamp. while Lana is a were. in Hell two different breeds that are together are not forbidden their just.. not common when Morret said you were having a hard time making friends I sent her girlfriend up here so you could have one"

"That's enough" I found myself saying

I curled in on myself fuck Luke, fuck my mom, fuck Lana and most of all fuck myself I chuckled quietly at my shout out's. I'll deal with all this in the morning for now I just wanted to be left alone. I was in shock could you blame me?

Sleep had no trouble saying hi to me.


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