Chapter 6- Capture

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I dashed through the forest easily, my legs were not my own anymore.

'Concentrate my mind is as much as yours'

I puffed should that make sense? I came to a sudden stop my feet dragging as if angry that I stopped. I fought for control of my body and looked down. By now I had turned into something that seemed like a full grown black, fire wolf. I whimpered what did Luke call me?

'you are a powerful hell hound we need to go'

'don't tell me what to do and get out of my head!' I mentally shouted my teeth being bared while my ears flew up.

'Get down now!'

My body was forced down, no longer mine to control which aggravated me as I tried to fight for control.

'Loki is my name and it seems that our challenger has found us'

'Who?' though I already knew who he was talking about I felt and smelled Luke behind me as my paws took off even faster than before.

'Give me control'

I panicked if he could control me to run what would happen if I gave him complete control?

'Trust me... this test is for your safety'

I didn't get how Luke running after me trying to put a collar on me could be a test for my safety and I certainly didn't get the whole find me a master gig, but something inside me told me to trust him which didn't exactly make me feel comfortable knowing this beast was 'inside' of me.

'Fine' I let loose allowing the beast to take control which for once felt good, that was until my body got rammed to the side. I let out a shrill bark of pain.

'Come to die devil?' A snarl teared through my throat my tail swishing back and forth swiping bushes

"You know if you just stayed still we would be done by now'

'wouldn't that be to easy?' my beast chuckled which sounded like a smooth rumble

I was shocked Luke and my beast sounded like old friends talking as though they already knew the out come of this battle.

"This time I won't go easy on you Loki" Luke said

Before I could even get a chance to ponder how Luke knew my beast's name my legs springed up by themselves. I leaped up high in the air my muzzle opening steam builded up in my mouth soon becoming a ball of fire being thrown at Luke.

Luke didn't even blink which further brought me into confusion and fear. What did my beast call Luke?

A devil?

What did Luke call Morret and Lana?

A werewolf and a vamp?

I thought back to the night when Luke was trying to show me my reflection it seemed as though he tore off the bolts that kept the mirror bolted to the wall.


well unless he happened to be carrying around a screw but I seriously doubt that. I nearly laughed if I could turn into a Hell hound and Morret and Lana could have sex then who am I to  say Luke is not a Devil?  After all he effortlessly sliced through my fire ball.

I was yanked out of my thoughts has my body flew into a tree cutting straight through it but my body quickly landed on it's feet charging right a Luke my claws extended at the same moment Luke took out his sword to block my attack I dived between his legs about to clamp down on whatever my teeth got a hold of but my body had shut down on me.

"It's like you fall for the same trick every time" Luke said

The pain came from my neck spreading through my body. I wiggled rubbing by neck into the forest floor whimpering from the corner of my eye I notice a red coal collar, but how?

"You always seem to like diving between my legs" Luke said with a dirty smirk

My fur seemed to get hotter but this time it was more from embarrassment than the pain.

'Damn when we dived between his legs he slipped it on!' My beast Loki growled

 I felt anger as much as I hated this goose chase between me and Luke, I hated even more when I lost to someone and thats exactly how I felt right now.

My neck was now fully on fire, my heart felt like it no longer belong to me. Red aura seem to flow from me to Luke. I screamed as the redness seemed to latch onto Luke who crouched down and groaned in pain. It was like I was being ripped apart all my memories, thoughts, pain, love, sorrow all went to Luke I felt violated I wanted everything back.

All those times where I hid in the boys bathroom crying my eyes out, every time I recorded my suicide video but chickened out and never did it, every time I tried to go to parties Lana invited me to my cloths were always being pulled off and then I was forced to do inappropriate things.

Things that I was sure Lana and Morret never found out about.

I clawed at the forest floor howling in pain even after the redness was gone I was still in agony.

How could Luke do this to me?

'Calm down, Luke understands we belong to him' Loki said

to bad for him I didn't want to hear his voice. Imagine your mom hearing and seeing everything in your head right then and their.

You wouldn't feel exactly fucking merry now would you?

"Is he alright?" I heard Morret say

"I don't get it he should be feeling fine right about now the pain only last a short while" Lana said

They were both staring down at me their breathing came out in huffs as though they had been running. My body had stop moving by now I felt no physical pain, but I did feel emotionally and mentally in pain. I was still whimpering in a hell hound could cry I was doing it.

"Morret, Lana I allowed and trusted you to watch after him you failed him" Luke said in a cold voice

Luke got up and walked over to me and stoked my fur, I tensed my mind was still stuck on the memories he saw. What were his thoughts on me now? I curled up in a ball and licked my fur down tucking my nose into my underbelly.

"I'm so sorry Justin I didn't know, already I have failed you as a master" Luke said in a pained voice

'No you haven't, not yet anyway' my beast rumbled in Luke's head

"How did we fail?" Morret whispered in a despair voice

"Didn't you know he was being.. abused?"

Both Morret and Lana gasped in shock and looked at me with failure for themselves and sympathy for me. I made a noise of disgust in the back of my throat that was exactly the look that I didn't want. I shut my eyes.

I was beyond wanting to die right now.


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