Chapter 3- Kiss From Mr.Cry

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Maybe if I ignore it it'll stop



"Justin I swear if you don't wake up I'll cut your balls off"

I groaned she wouldn't do that.. would she?

"Get up you have school today!"

I felt the sheets being ripped off my body causing me to fall on the floor. I didn't want to get up the homework I did last night killed my brain and worst of all today was a Monday my most hated day no scratch that Monday-Thursdays made me want to kill anybody around me.

"Now Justin I'm not in the playing mood either get ready and put on some cloths or your going to school just how you are"

I looked down blushing all I had on was my underwear. I instantly ran towards the bathroom trying to put on a shirt and red skinnies while brushing my teeth and before you ask yes its possible. In 15 minutes I was done and ready to go to school.

I hated taking the bus so like always Morret dropped me off at the school.

"now remember no fighting please" Morret said with pleading eyes

"Okay" but we both knew that was a lie if someone fucked with me I would fuck with them right back

"I'm serious Justin your body only response is obedience you know what happened yesterday"

Being reminded of yesterday made me feel a pang of anger I still couldn't process what she did to me the other day my mind was half believing it to be a magic trick she found out or a prank. I hated feeling like I needed to obey her but some part of me wanted to. I wanted her to control me and that was what made me disgusted.

Disgusted Of Myself

I went straight to my locker opening like I did every year for seventeen years straight I would go to Language Arts first then Math god I hated math I could pass anything BUT Math and it pisses me off.

"Feeling better?"

I looked over its Lana.. Shit


"Its alright I understand you were angry you needed to be alone"

I looked closely at her face it wasn't alright she looked like she had been crying for days her face was poofed up everything about her was regular though well as about as regular as Lana can get with colorful slacks and a tank top that said 'Fuck you' and I'm pretty sure she wore that shirt just for me.

"No I should'nt of said that even if I was angry"

Lana didn't bother contradict me she wanted to make me beg but no matter what I made a silent promise not to beg.

"Lets go Justin I'll bitch on you later where going to be late to Language Arts and then Math I heard we had a sexy math teacher" Lana squealed

"I'll be the judge of that" I chuckled

We walked right into Hell and into the back off a Beast..uh..oh I mean we walked right into language Arts and into the back of are teacher Ms. Staff ugh did I mention how much I hated bitched like her?

Ms.Staff was wearing all green even down to her hair if she was aiming to look like a fat green callipeter she nailed it.

"Ooh everyone clap guess what Justin you won a prize!" Ms Staff said


"why don't you guess what it is?" said Ms.Staff

you dieing..

I looked over at Lana giving her a 'She say one more word I'm killing her look' Lana laughed

"Justin you have detention after school for laughing"

My mouth dropped open "That wasn't even me are you blind?!"

"Two detentions no make that three since you called me blind now go to your desk" said ms.Staff

I couldn't help myself


"What was that Justin?"

"Beauty and the beast"

"What would that have to do with anything?"

"I don't know me pertaining to be beauty and you the beast"

"Get out! I don't care were you go just leave! five detentions for you!"

Something inside me broke when she yelled like a thousand weights being pressed down on me making me slowly, unwillingly bow I started whimpering and crying, whispering sorry over and over. Something tightened around my neck all of a sudden the anxiety attack was over I felt normal well not completely I was still whimpering.

Ms. Staff laughed and the whole class started up with her.

"Ahhh so I see he already gave you the collar" said Ms.Staff

"Justin? Come on lets get you out of here" Lana said quietly

Saying I was embarrassed was an understatement

I flinched every time Lana talked it didn't seem right for her to touch me to be honest I felt like throwing up the more I thought about her touching me. Somewhere deep down in me I felt I should push her away the only thing keeping me from doing that was that she was my best Friend.

"Sit in the car properly PLEASE Justin you have to be safe" begged Lana

I looked at my body that was now in the car I was in a curled up ball like a newborn pup still whimpering what was I becoming?

I sat up properly while Lana went on the other side to start up the car.

"We'll be home in no time don't worry your mom will figure out whats wrong with you" whispered Lana

I unconsciously felt myself being dragged in the house and glass dropping.

What happened?...Panic...Oh devil...Its time...I wish we had time....I know

One word I held onto was the word Devil

Why did that mean so much to me?

It didn't matter that word calmed me more than anything as I drifted off.


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