Chapter 11- The Core

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Luke, Lana, and Morret have found out that Justin's power is causing a disturbance in Hell. Justin cannot control his powers yet, so it's just rolling off of him in waves attracting every other powerful creature. As a result Lana has to visit an old 'friend' to help cast a spell over the underworld to suppress Justin's power, but it will take time therefore Zari took Justin to his homeland which is off the grid and will keep him safe for a couple of days.


Starting Chapter:

I looked down in awe. Those are some big ass dragons. Zari angled his wing slowing down I didn't even have to think to know he was landing. I held on tightly while he landed smoothly. I looked around there were rocks and trees everywhere and in front of me and Zari there were six dragons.

"Greetings" Zari rumbled looking tense

"You have brought a human here I'm having a hard time wondering if your stupid or just damn crazy"

I looked at the dragon that spoke black clouds surrounded him it looked as if his body were made of it. Zari arched his back while his wings spreaded out.

"He is my rider" Zari said threateningly

"Damn fool he'll just die again I don't know why you keep following after him like a lost dragon" The ground shook and the shadowed dragon stepped forward and his jaws pulled open to reveal sharp teeth. I looked around it seemed to be still sunny here yet the shadowed dragon looked a black as night. Something about him reminded me of Zari, no something about all these dragons reminded me of Zari.


I looked toward a red she dragon heat seemed to be radiating of her in waves. She walked toward the center so elegantly that is looked like a dance. Zari pulled back and flapped his wings a little bit. I wouldn't blame him Morret made it clear that I should NEVER hit a girl, obviously this rule pertained to dragons to. Zari still kept his guard up, but there was no doubt that he was hesitant about hitting her.

"Calm yourself was it not me who gave my life for him in the first place?" she said softly, but forcefully.

Zari lowered his back and let his wings come to his side.

"Yes I remember how you gave your life for him, but I also do remember that you were the one that started that mess in the first place"

"Will you not allow me to see him?" She said accusingly

I was beyond confused. I'm pretty sure I have never seen this dragon in my life.

"But you have seen her in others"

I jumped startled and looked over at a green male dragon that had exotic flowers growing all over his body. Had he read my thoughts?"

"Where are our manners? This is his first time meeting us and were bickering?" The green dragon said he sounded old and ancient something that gave me chills.

All of the other dragon shifted in embarrassment. The old green dragon lifted up his tail and rested it on the shadowed dragon's shoulder then turned to me.

"Will you not get off of Zari, so I can introduce myself rider?"

I gulped while a blush formed on my cheeks he made me sound like a coward, and if there was anything I hated most in the word it was being called a coward. I stepped on some of Zari's spikes and jumped off half way down.

"A male?" I looked over to see a gold dragon.

This dragon was a female and was standing very close to the shadowed dragon. The light that came off of the dragon seemed to mingle and destroy some off the darkness that was coming off of the black dragon.

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