Chapter 14- Home Sweet Home

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Basically I wanted to thank the people who are reading, commenting, and voting on my story :)

Yeah, you.

Thank you :)


After the big announcement Zari's dad flew down to the meat pile and dug in, blood dripping down his chin like he just made a newly fresh kill. It didn't take long for all the other dragons to dig in momentarily causing everyone to forget about what just took place. I took a mental note of the former shadow apprentice flying off after pushing through some smaller females in anger. What struck me as weird was that if Skotádi saw me getting chased why didn't he help me? And if he saw his apprentice chasing after me shouldn't he have seen the red dragon, Fotia's apprentice chasing after me to? My head was definitely hurting now.

"Justin?" I looked down to see Morret calling me wondering why I hadn't come down from Zari, then I realized Zari had already flown down from the perch we were on and was leaning his body down so I could get off.

'We'll talk later' Zari whispered in my mind. Zari was no fool, I could practically see his brain thinking.

I sighed hopping off his back. I'd become accustomed to watching out for some of his spikes. I looked at Morret Her hair was a little bit rumpled and her lip stick smudge. I instantly winced not wanting to think about what she did with Lana that could result in her mest up look. Morret wore plain jeans and a pink blouse, while Lana wore purple skinny jeans and a purple shirt with black writing that said 'I Eat' I involuntarily winced again what the hell did she mean by 'I Eat'? I rolled my eyes.

Get your mind out of the gutter! I warned myself.

"What's with the facial expressions?" I felt arms wrap themselves around me. I nearly moaned, what the hell is wrong with me? Can't I control myself at least temporarily?

"Umm, hi?" I said shyly

Couldn't I at least pretend I had enough balls to stop blushing?

I instantly straightened myself out steping away from Luke. Morret and Lana were smiling like they just won a grammy. I felt like holding up the bird.

"Are you ready to go home?" Luke said a bit disappointed that I moved away.

Fact about me: I can forgive, but I can't forget

Luke had, had sex with that.. be nice.. 'witch' I had felt the need to bitch slap him, but like always I had to show restraint. If I got angry then that would show Luke that maybe, just MAYBE I might like him. That's exactly what I don't want to happen.

Just speaking bluntly of course.. not like I actually might *Cough* LIKE him.

'Shut up look at you, you can't even lie to yourself' Loki growled scoldingly at me. I felt Loki pace restlessly around my body. My eyebrows came together in confusion usually we were always agreeing with each other. What was happening now? I knew for a fact Loki didn't love Luke, so why was he questioning my dislike for Luke?

Shouldn't Loki be happy in some weird way?

'Trust me Justin decades and decades of you denying Luke has brought boredom to the center of my mind, I've heard you say your thoughts repeatedly'

If I wasn't confused then I was now. To me, this was the first time I even thought of Luke in a boyfriend way. I dropped the issue I could sense Loki wanting to run around the more I got angry with him the more I fed him energy.

"Justin? Why do you keep spacing out? Whatever, we have to go the portal is only opened for a short amount time" Morret said to me.

I shaked out of my hard thinking. Zari was standing next to me, streaks of blood was on his white, black, and red scales almost liked it belong their.

"Are you guys ready to leave?" He said a pang went off in my heart.

"Zari.." I said heartbrokenly everybody looked at me in shock.

"What's the matter?" Luke said catching hold of my hand without me noticing and pulling me closer until our noses were touching. A shiver went down my spin as his lips brushed against mine.

"Zari won't be coming with up" I said sadly not noticing Luke's closeness.

"Oh no" Luke said but he didn't sound so sad. His tongue flicked out of his lips with every intention of entering my lips.. that is until Zari rumbled causing me to stumble falling into his huge paw.

"Actually I will be able to come just because I am in line to become the new Shadow dragon does'nt mean I can't tend to my apprentice" Zari rumbled out to Luke warningly.

Luke's eyes narrowed, then his eyes flickered over to my lips then down to my dusted black skinnies. I looked down thinking I had something on me. Oh my.. he was looking at my..!

"Eep" I whimpered

I covered myself.

Luke smirked then turned around and waved his hand in the sky. Colors sparked in the sky and swirled around creating a huge circle that was big enough to fit Zari in. Zari layed his paw down and allowed me to get off. I followed Morret and Lana as they talked about how cute I looked as Luke held me close and was about to kiss me. They went so far as to scold Zari for interrupting us which caused be to instantly spat an insult at them. As we stepted into the portal Zari lowered his head and whispered 'close your eyes'

I don't know why he wanted me to, but he looked so anxious I didn't dare pester him for an explanation.

It seemed like as soon as I closed my eyes Zari told me to open them back up. We were standing exactly were Zari had flown off into his homeland, the Core. The grass seemed as green as ever the mansion a few acre's infront of us as we stood behind it.

That's when a movement caught my eye, and the most annoying voice ever spoke.

"Finally Luke! Where were you? I made you dinner"

I looked infront of us. A girl with big boobs and purple everything was staring at me in hatred.

"Hopefully I can give you desert at night separately from everybody else" the beast said infront of me said with a flirtatious wink.

"Uh Oh" Zari rumbled nervously. Probably sensing my mood.

Shit was about to get real.


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