Chapter 18- The Twins and Some Competition

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"Halt, failure to follow directions"

All of our heads swirled to the thick bushes to see five guards and two big ass Hellhounds on either side of the group. They both had black collars, but something was different about the collars it had silver studs sticking out all around it. One was a tan brown and the other one was a dark brown that had highlights of red, they we're both male. It looked like they were twins. My fur stood up as the dark brown one walked toward us growling. Each paw left a claw mark in the ground. The green Hellhound that was behind me keeping me from backing away from Faith stood up and let out a bark. Then slowly walked backward to the black Hellhound that attacked me. Pussy.

"Lenard I see your still a coward" the dark brown one said showing his teeth. I looked over at the green Hellhound. So that was his name? Lenard. Mm.

Lenard scoffed out a growl.

"I could say the same about you Rex" Lenard spat out as 'Rex' flinched looking away guiltily. Lenard curled his tail around himself but bent down slightly trying to regain his composer.

Whoa what was going on here? Was this a lover's spat?

"Rex get their names and let's go" the tan one said. Rex growled slightly ruffling his fur not liking how his brother addressed him apparently.

"Names all of you" Rex said commandingly. He shifted lightly so his collar was exposed. Was his collar listening in?




"Mist" The purple one said. Finally I get to know the name of the person who's been giving me dirty looks ever since we met.

"Lexicon" the orange female said.

And last but certainly no least. Especially since he decided to fuck my hind leg up.

"Zodiac" the black one said in a husky voice.

Then there was silence. The silence started to stretch until I felt like ripping something. Didn't they come out here to bring us back inside? The sun was coming up already and I was dead tired.

"Well are you going to give us you fucking name our you just going to stand their?" Rex said looking like he was going to break a tree down.

"Remember what we talked about you have to be nicer to new pups" a kind patient voice said.

"Stay out of this Chris" Rex said angrily.

"Is that anyway to talk to your brother? You know who he is so why would you ask him?" Chris which was the tan one said.

I decided it was time to stop being a coward. I hated when people spoke like I wasn't here, it was annoying. I backed away from Faith while saying a quiet sorry and got up limping slightly.

"My names Justin" I said while holding up my head and putting one paw forward.

The guards rustled in a little surprise. Then one guard stepped forward.

"Let's go every other Hellhound has reached their dorm except these ones"

The guards shuffled closed putting chains around our necks and bolting us together. Loki growled inside me knowing he could easily break out of these chains but staying quiet because I begged him to. We walked back to the metal door in the hot sun, while animals were shattering. It amazed me. If this was a fake dome, we're the animals fake to? Were the trees just plastic? But that can't be because Faith had jumped down from a tree to greet me. If the tree was fake how could it hold Faith's weight? It looked real, but then again everything in this dome looked real.

My head was hurting sun plus thinking isn't really my cup of tea. Infact it was more like a get the hell away from me thing. The guards all rushed us through the metal door and were now walking us pass doors and doors. Occasionally we would stop at a door to drop off one of the Hellhound's that we're tied to a chain, until it was just me and Ash left. I noticed that we were further away from all the other door infact we even had to take and elevator to get to our room. I looked over at Ash. He seemed to have perked up to were his tail was flicking back and forth.

"Why are we so far from the other Hellhound's?" I whispered to him.

His tongue came out in glee and his ear's perked up.

"We're closer to the Devil" he said trying to mask his voice in an uncaring way. Bitch couldn't fool me. Flashes of dare I say it? Jealousy came through me.

"You seem to favor the Devil a lot" I said trying to sound nonchalant.

"Um.. well it seems to be the other way around" Ash said while a blush came on his white fur.

"How so?" I said genuinely curious.

"Well, he changed my room so I was closer to him and everytime he assesses me he's so gentle" Ash said while his tail curled in embarrassment as if this was suppose to be a secret. I sneaked a glance at Rex. That bastard. He was listening in! If a Hellhound could snicker quietly he was doing it. Now that I payed attention I noticed Rex's brother Chris was right along with him. Awe, I thought Chris was suppose to be the nice twin?

"Well, here's your room" Chris said politely.

But he was still laughing, I could feel it rolling off him and frankly I was getting pissed. Okay so what if Ash is being a little delusional? We got ushered in our room with our chains being taken off.

"Rest, tomorrow hunting will begin Luke will be their to assess each of you" Rex said. Oh God I looked at Ash who was glowing.

"Each of you will have 10 minute's to bath, cloths will be in the shoot, make sure to change back in your human form we will be waking you up in the morning oh and Justin? You'll be meeting your nice classmates tomorrow" Chris said while smiling sweetly.

I'm not a dumb ass.

They both turned to leave but not before I saw Chris lightly licking Ash's cheek and quickly turning to leave as Ash looked at him puzzled. What was it about this school that turned some boys gay? It definitely wasn't the girl's fault taking one look at Faith explained all that. After switching into my human form I took the first shower. Chris wasn't kidding about having only 10 minutes to bath, and there was no way in Hell I was letting Ash bath first. Point blank he didn't deserve it. If he thought Luke had an interest to him he must've been on something.

But who was I to judge? Was Luke even interested in me?

'Blowjob' Loki sang in my head. Right.. he did almost give me a BJ but that mean he was interested? No it was only his lust. Everybody has needs I reminded myself. Enough. I put on the cloths that was in a plastic container by the shower the 'shoot' was apparently a metal tube that shot down items. Wait.. were these my cloths? My skinnies! Yay well I guess I shouldn't be to surprised could I? I layed down on the metal bed that was I was sure I would wake up with a stiff back. So tomorrow I was going to see Luke? I am almost positive he will pretend like he doesn't know me, but that won't stop me from hoping.

I heard rustling and looked over to see Ash settling in. I don't know why but ever since he mention about Luke I felt this strange urge to put him in his place. Whatever that ment.

"So tomorrow you'll get to meet Luke" Ash said breaking my thinking

"I guess" I forced out through gritted teeth. What was wrong with Loki? He was trying to make me growl. I rolled over facing away from Ash covering my mouth with my hand to cover my canines that were growing.

"Good night Justin"

I didn't bother saying it back, because I knew if I opened my mouth a roar would come out. So instead I settled for a quiet whimper and closed my eyes.


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*I have another picture of Ash as my background picture just go to my profile if you really want to see him*

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