Chapter 12- Pleasure Waters

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What happened last time?

Zari introduced Justin to the king and queen dragons including his mother and father. Grudgingly the dragons let Justin stay in the realm. Will the dragons fully accept him?


*Starting Chapter*

When I woke up I was laying on Zari's huge soft belly while fire spurted out every time he snored. I nearly chuckled at the irony. I looked around at the huge cave rolling off of Zari while being careful not to hurt him. I landed on my feet curious about my surroundings. The cave had huge claw marks it was like some huge dragon clawed out the rocks just to make a home.

Somehow I knew it wasn't Zari's claw marks. The cave had nothing in it which was perfect for dragon living standards. I touched my hair it seemed like I was growing multi colored hair that was starting to match Zari's scales. I rubbed against my arms no doubt I was growing muscles. I lifted up my arms my nose automatically wrinkling up. I reek. Do they have a bathroom here in the Core?

I walked to the peak of the cave were thousandths of trees were blowing.

"If you don't shut up we'll get caught"

"Maybe this was a bad idea"

I looked farther my Hell hound senses reaching through the trees to pin point the sound. Two small dragons not even half the size of Zari were 'trying' to stalk through the trees they seemed to be coming towards the cave. Towards.. me. The first dragon whom I guessed as the the scared on was a light, red dragon little wisps of fire was coming off like he couldn't control it yet while the other one must be a dark dragon because darkness was coming out of his wings.

They both tried pathetically to crawl through the forest that even without my extra senses I would still be able to hear them.

"Master was not happy when Zari's rider showed up.. ugh Zari always ruins everything!"

"Do you think my master was happy either? she practically burned all our scales off!"

"Exactly this is why revenge is in order maybe when Zari's rider is gone everyone will be happy"

I scoffed what were they planning on doing with me? Strangely I wasn't afraid. I walked deeper into the forest my body taking over. My claws were slightly coming out while my teeth grew sharper. My body slithered over the floor.

'Lets hunt' 

'Loki?' I gasped in my head. It seemed like ages since I last talked to him.

'When we came through the portal it kinda suppressed me from talking to you, but its all good now.. I got past it'  

'I thought you were gone' I said sadly which surprised me.. did I miss him?

'Lets shift' said Loki

I almost transformed fully before I remembered something this wasn't my realm. I couldn't just hunt dragons. What would Zari said?

'Relax Liger we won't kill the dragons even though their planning to kill us where just going to play with them plus we need a bath right? Don't you smell the fresh water close?'

I rolled my eye then gradually let my body transform. My mouth grew longer, everything seemed to be getting longer and growing hair. My cloths were ripping open and I mentally cursed myself. Why didn't I take off my cloths? Oh well.

I whipped my tail back and forth so.. not only the color of my hair is changing my wolf is to. My wolf seemed to have Zari more dominate colors black, red, and white. It disappointed me that my muzzle was white it seemed like the whiteness made me gentle while blood red were the highlights of my face and legs. The black seemed to cover up my back and tail, but you could see the white was fighting it from taking over completely because underneath my tail was pure white.

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