Chapter One

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The alarm had not gone off yet but Henry's body eagerly and dreadfully awaited it. He was aware that his body had a clock of its own, he's fully aware that he didn't need an alarm clock anymore for he'd be awake regardless before the clock even hit 8:00 am. He grabbed his smart phone and held it in his hand. He waited and as soon as it went off, he swiped his phone to disable the alarm but he didn't feel like getting up straight away for he wanted to savour his sleepiness for a few more minutes.

He eventually decided to get up and he clumsily walked his way to the bathroom. He really wanted to take a shower but he could not be bothered, so he just washed his face, brushed his teeth and fixed his hair.

He recovered from his sleepiness after that and started walking back to his room to get changed. He grabbed his uniform; a white polo shirt, a tie and a pair of trousers and put them on.

He rushed downstairs to the kitchen; he just needed a light breakfast for a bit of boost. He wasn't so keen on toast, so he opened a cupboard and saw three boxes of cereals. He didn't really have enough time to make a fry up though he preferred it. He chose the most palatable one for him... coco cereals! Not in the mood for cornflakes and definitely not in the mood for bran flakes, "Ugh." he groaned to himself.

His grandmother left earlier before him. She usually did because she worked at their local pub that is quite popular in their area; she normally opened the pub early in the morn for the breakfast it served.

Hence, Henry was in charge of making sure that their small home was secure before he left. He made sure that all the windows, back and front doors and any unnecessary electrical equipments are shut and switched off.

Finally, he would head off to school, just about a minute walk to the bus station then 20 minutes travel to Whittaker School which included three stops.

He would spend 6 hours of his time in the school on a week day basis, Monday to Friday. The daily routine included attending Physical Education (PE), ICT, Science, English, Maths, History etc... Plus all the boring coursework he needed to do on a weekly basis.

He wasn't bad at his studies; in fact he managed to get an A and merits occasionally, his favourite subjects were Maths, English and Science.

He didn't really stand in the crowd that much but he did chat to some kids his age at school. He was smart enough to get out of trouble by keeping a low profile. He knew what places to avoid and at what time. He knew the type of kids whom he should be nowhere near to, shouldn't associate with nor notice or care he even existed. This was the same routine he did every single day at school that made him want to do more in life besides the current situation he was in. He thought he could do better and that one day, he would be someone.

He'd manage to go out occasionally to the city centre or their local high street or wherever he could manage to have some fun or kill some time to ease his boredom. He played some football with other kids in the park but he wasn't really that good at it. This happened every now and then; being an orphan had its ups and downs. He felt alone and lonely most of the time, he'd rather do some homework or browse the Internet. He wondered what his life would be like if his mother was still alive, would she still be with his father. Would he have had any siblings, he wondered?

Henry barely remembered his parents, he had a picture of them together however, he had no picture of him with them altogether as a family. All he could remember was him crying when a man was handing him over to his nana, he vaguely remembered the man's face but he was sure he was his father. He reckoned he was about two years old.

Henry loved his nana so much; she was like the most important person for him in the whole wide world. At such a young age he was already fully aware of the sacrifice she made to raise him and give him a better future. Working five to six days a week, he decided to make an effort to help out with household chores, the usual cleaning up of the mess, tidying, dusting, doing the dishes and even the laundry, just to alleviate his tired grandmother who usually got back before six in the afternoon.

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