Chapter Fourteen

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                                                                           The Summon

The next morning came, the sun already shining through his windows, he was lying in his bed, half awake and consciously recapping the previous occurrences that just happened, he still found them incredible but they really did happen. How could he ever say back to normal again, how could he say back to reality again, and what are they? These thoughts woke him up in an instant - going back to his normal life again; go back to school and concentrate on his studies, help his nana, the normal kind of life. He flinched at the thought, what's wrong with that? Though he felt his life would never be the same again, time to put the past behind him and move on, I'm ordinary after all.

He eventually got up when he started hearing all the commotion downstairs. "Time to check nana if she's alright."

"Morning nan?" he greeted her in a questioning way awaiting her response.

"Morning." she replied in her usual way though she gave him a confused look for the way he said it.

"I made some porridge for breakfast, would you want some now?" she asked, this relieved Henry because he thought that perhaps something might be wrong with her, "She seems pretty okay to me, though I think she's really isn't aware of anything that happened last night." Henry thought to himself.

He pondered how Phil did it, though he was not pleased of what he did to his grandmother, he was fascinated. "He seemed pretty nice but also pretty terrifying for what he could do." he concluded.

He was quite hungry but he wasn't going to eat just yet, for some reason he didn't feel like it though he was sure the porridge would be nice. He felt like drinking tea instead.

"Maybe later, I'm just gonna have some tea." he answered. He decided to engage in a conversation with her but he dreaded the idea of what if he had to explain something to her.

"So, your day off today?" he asked while stirring his tea.

"Yes, finally." she replied. "Although it's really weird, I got home around six yesterday, really knackered and that's all I remember. Then the next thing I know, I just woke up in my bed with my uniform still on, I didn't even change at all. I must have been pretty tired yesterday that I wasn't even aware of what I was doing, I don't even remember heading upstairs at all, perhaps I'm getting too old!" she sighed.

Henry nearly choked on his tea. He pulled himself together as to avoid Vera from noticing it. "Well, they call that auto-pilot nan, I got home at seven and I knocked on your door but you you didn't respond, I opened the door just to check if you were in your room, but you were sound asleep and snoring, I reckoned you must be pretty tired so I thought I'd just let you have a rest." he said sympathetically. Although Henry was glad that there was no need for him to explain the unexplainable.

"Oh well, I feel well rested and energised now, we need to do some shopping today." she said and to Henry's relief, Vera was alright and he looked forward to going out shopping with her.


Phil rose up early morning and flew high above the clouds staring in the horizon though there was nothing to be seen. He was visualising Celestia from there, he received a message that he and his peers were being summoned to have an important meeting.

She was informed by Chloe the other day, good thing he had already recovered his wand.

It's a convention of other high ranking wizards and witches like him, when their master needs to relay something important to them.

He would convene together with seven other wizards like him who scout the world for dangerous rogue wizards, vizards, quayzards, vanzards and quozards. The remnants of the dark past of Celestia. Some of them need to be captured for their crimes and the serious threats they posed and therefore it's their job to keep these threats eliminated.

They gather together to share intelligence on the wizards and vizards they were after and to report and discuss certain matters with their superior who the eight of them need to summon by special charm.

Phil would very often go above the clouds as to relax and to think calmly. As he was up there, he was already visualising the things he expected to happen.

Phil needed to fly to the special portal he was sent out beforehand by his administrator Chloe, she was responsible for communicating and handling Phil's affairs with Celestia whilst he was on his missions of capturing and gathering intelligence.

He was dreading the meeting as he had no good news to share at all. He had been assigned to capture a wizard but he still did not have a clue of his exact whereabouts in order to capture him. He concluded that this wizard had developed some special abilities to avoid him for Phil was the one considered among all of them to be the very best at locating certain individuals. The fact that he was attacked by aneumas and dropped his wand did not help him at all.

Phil eventually decided to head to the one portal he needed to go to, it's a special secret portal which was pre-set up for him. The reason being is that, unlike his own portals, the whereabouts of Celestia must be kept a complete secret and thus it was heavily guarded. The portal he must use to get there was a one off and must be eliminated once it had been used to avoid and minimise Celestia from being located by their enemies. The reason being was that the portal could potentially be used by their enemies and to trace them.

He was given the coordinates by Chloe and he was equipped to locate it. The portals to his preference were set up for him above the clouds and he was going to fly there. It was in the south direction this time.

"The meeting is three hours from now. I have plenty of time." he said.

Phil took out his wand with his right hand; from the tip of his wand emerged a transparent material, he waved his wand and the transparent material immediately took a shape of a hollow cone which was two meters in diameter and length. "This would speed me up. How faster this time?" he muttered. Phil had been trying to fly faster and faster with his propelling charm.

The cone positioned itself in front of him and he began to fly and accelerate face down. The hollow cone was to prevent the air from hammering his face and for less drag as he propelled himself in full capacity.

Phil propelled himself and forced his way in the vast space, ripping through the air. He was pleased as this was the first time he had done this. "The idea seems to be working." he said to himself.

He was looking through the white clouds underneath him, they were pearly white and fluffy. Though he was flying hundreds of miles per hour, it seemed as though he was just strolling as he treaded through them.

This kind of flying was his specialty, he had already come up with solutions to counter the common drawbacks of flying, the air he breathed, noise, friction and temperature and thus well equipped for this feat.

As he flew, he noticed the sun started to set in the west and the clouds started to glow a golden shimmer. It dazzled him, he touched his glasses and they turned dark to counter the glare. Phil had been flying for nearly three hours. "She said it would be an odd cloud, that's where the portal would be. According to Chloe, it should be around here." Phil had slowed down and the transparent cone immediately disappeared as he switched in standing position.

He kept looking and moving and he noticed on his right, a cloud that had a facial profile. "It must be that one." He zoomed fast towards the cloud. He went in it and surely enough he was right as he was able to sense the portal. He took out his wand to activate the portal as it was set up to only open up by using the wand as the key. He pointed his wand and another sort of space gradually opened up and manifested, it pulled him in a split second and he was gone.

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