Chapter Two

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The Wand

The alarm went off and the morning light shone through the window, it woke up Henry but he didn't feel like getting up yet. He seemed to enjoy lying in his bed, he decided he'd lay for at least another hour or so.

Henry started hearing the commotion from downstairs, it must be his grandmother Vera, "Better get up and greet her." He thought.

He got up, brushed his teeth and washed his face. He went downstairs as soon as he was done and greeted Vera. He went straight to the cupboard and wanted to try cornflakes cereal instead. As he was chewing on his breakfast, he thought of what he could do that day.

He offered to help his nana with some household chores - they went shopping together to buy some goodies for their Sunday lunch. When they had their lunch that day, his nana gave him ten quid and told him to go out with his friends. He thanked his nana and went out.

Like a typical 12 year old nearing his teens, he had gone out with his mates at the city centre and played some arcade games, bowl, pool, bought some sweets, crisps and drinks. They watched a movie, went to the local park and played some football. He appreciated the fact that his nana gave him some money in case he needed it on something, she told him to go out instead of him just staying at home sitting on the couch like a potato watching T.V. which is something that Vera noticed he tended to do hence she encouraged him to go out with his mates.

He came back home and greeted his nana, he headed straight upstairs and went to the bathroom as he smelled of sweat from playing football. He got dressed and as soon as he was done, he headed to the fridge to get some water. He then went straight back upstairs in his room as he fancied lying down in his bed to relax after the exhaustion from going out and playing with his friends. As he laid down, he felt so relaxed as he tucked himself. He thought about how he would spend the rest of his summer holiday, he eventually dozed off after that boring thought.

Days had passed and most of his friends are out of the country or out of town with their families for their holiday together. He wanted to go out with them as he was feeling really bored in his home. He felt envious of them that they could spend a holiday with their family and he was there all alone whilst his nana was at work.

He really wanted to go out but he lost all his motivation, he climbed upstairs and went to his bedroom. He decided he's going to find something to do, he looked at the shelves in his bedroom, looking for anything interesting that would kill his time. He played some cards, he played with his portable console and fiddled with his tablet, it took his mind off from feeling lonely for a while and then he was bored again. He laid in his bed and grabbed one of his old books that he had not finished reading for he didn't have much patience with reading but he decided to for boredom's sake. As he flicked through the pages he realised he heard something from his desk. He could hardly make out the sound but it sounded like it was coming from inside the drawer. He decided to ignore it as he thought he just imagined it.

Moments later, what he heard made him twitch from his bed. This time he was certain he was hearing something. He heard a commotion from his desk and it sounded like it was coming from one of his desk drawers. He got up to investigate what was causing it, he thought it could be a phone vibrating or a mouse had chewed on one of his drawers and snuck in. He decided to open the top drawer where he kept his pencils, pens, etc. and remembered that was where he kept the stick he found on his way home from Danielle's birthday party days ago. He wondered but he said "Nah." there was nothing out of the ordinary about that stick, he reasoned. Though it occurred to him that the thing itself is quite unusual, it's not something anyone would normally come across.

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